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Little Guild Vid I made enjoy


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You guys canceled an auction Saturday :[ It was going the a great auction!
I packed a bowl just for that auction too! :stretcher:


waste of a perfectly good bowl. . . pity..

btw, how are you kal? I miss your sweet voice.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
waste of a perfectly good bowl. . . pity..

btw, how are you kal? I miss your sweet voice.
Doing great bro :) I miss you too man

We used to have really hawt vent secks :sad2:

I'm going to start making some sick and 1337 PvP videos of GOO! fights , I can't wait everybody is going to love them.

Going to have some gangsta beatz too.. :gun: