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LinkRelams Beta Test Open!!!


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

Get in while you can.

This is the true Ultima Online 2. Amazing game. Full sandbox skill based game. You can even create your own zones!

Some Q&A with a tester...

It sounds like there's alot more to the loot than just your typical sword, armor, potion and coin. This seems like it might be pretty fun. But my question for you guys, are there LOTS of different types of equipment? I mean something along the lines of Diablo or Titan Quest. Lots of variations on stats and damage? Or is it more just for cosmetics?

Yes there is a ton of equipment... and they all seem to have random stats (maybe not random). Similar to diablo type items -- again can't confirm if they are random -- but there are alot.

Which brings me to question 2. What id the diversity of appearance in regards to equipment? I watched the video. Very colorful and lots of cool stuff. But it keeps showing the same characters, all with the same appearance. I like loot to mean something. It should be upgrades as far as power, and it should have distinct looks that reflect the accomplishments you've made.

Lots of variety in color and looks of eqiupment. And it's only beta... and there is already a ton.

How "deep" do the skills go? For example, you're working on your sword skill (no idea what this is called). You miss alot early on, but as your skill goes up, you miss less and your damage increases perhaps? Is there anymore to it than that? Does it unlock the ability to use better swords or something?

Well each weapon has it own set of abilities... ie parry, and a variety of other special attacks. As you skill skill up in melee:swords, blunt, or range, you unlock these abilities on the weapon. And skills advance just like UO. Haven't played long enough to confirm exactly what high skills do in the combat department. But in magic it unlocks spells and crafting it unlocks more craftables.

I'm very curious about the controls. It sounds like your typical mmo setup. target mob, select auto-attack, and throw in some special abilities. Are there any tactics involved? Like in mythos, you could kite around a bunch of mobs, then do a quick 180 when they were all in a line, and use some bolt spell thing, and hit them all. Any cool stuff like this? Or is it just target, auto-attack, pew pew, watch mob die, loot, repeat?

There is auto-attack and special attack and magic -- combat is very much like UO... click on mob and watch die... and drink health potions or run :) It's a little boring, but it's always exciting looting the mob to see what you get.

What is to stop someone from creating a zone and throwing 12 dragons in it with INSANE loot, but with only 1 hp each? How will exploits like this be handled? I know I did this with NWN. I created a dungeon, with some awesome rare mobs, and their treasures were these incredibly powerful custom weapons and armor. It ruined the game for me after that. Sounded like fun, but it ended up being pretty bad.

Right now you can't place mobs on your zone to fight.

The game is very much like UO... not as much or detailed skills at UO yet... but the graphics are way better, the comunity is way better, and there are more items then UO has.



Get in while you can.

This is the true Ultima Online 2. Amazing game. Full sandbox skill based game. You can even create your own zones!

Some Q&A with a tester...

It sounds like there's alot more to the loot than just your typical sword, armor, potion and coin. This seems like it might be pretty fun. But my question for you guys, are there LOTS of different types of equipment? I mean something along the lines of Diablo or Titan Quest. Lots of variations on stats and damage? Or is it more just for cosmetics?

Yes there is a ton of equipment... and they all seem to have random stats (maybe not random). Similar to diablo type items -- again can't confirm if they are random -- but there are alot.

Which brings me to question 2. What id the diversity of appearance in regards to equipment? I watched the video. Very colorful and lots of cool stuff. But it keeps showing the same characters, all with the same appearance. I like loot to mean something. It should be upgrades as far as power, and it should have distinct looks that reflect the accomplishments you've made.

Lots of variety in color and looks of eqiupment. And it's only beta... and there is already a ton.

How "deep" do the skills go? For example, you're working on your sword skill (no idea what this is called). You miss alot early on, but as your skill goes up, you miss less and your damage increases perhaps? Is there anymore to it than that? Does it unlock the ability to use better swords or something?

Well each weapon has it own set of abilities... ie parry, and a variety of other special attacks. As you skill skill up in melee:swords, blunt, or range, you unlock these abilities on the weapon. And skills advance just like UO. Haven't played long enough to confirm exactly what high skills do in the combat department. But in magic it unlocks spells and crafting it unlocks more craftables.

I'm very curious about the controls. It sounds like your typical mmo setup. target mob, select auto-attack, and throw in some special abilities. Are there any tactics involved? Like in mythos, you could kite around a bunch of mobs, then do a quick 180 when they were all in a line, and use some bolt spell thing, and hit them all. Any cool stuff like this? Or is it just target, auto-attack, pew pew, watch mob die, loot, repeat?

There is auto-attack and special attack and magic -- combat is very much like UO... click on mob and watch die... and drink health potions or run :) It's a little boring, but it's always exciting looting the mob to see what you get.

What is to stop someone from creating a zone and throwing 12 dragons in it with INSANE loot, but with only 1 hp each? How will exploits like this be handled? I know I did this with NWN. I created a dungeon, with some awesome rare mobs, and their treasures were these incredibly powerful custom weapons and armor. It ruined the game for me after that. Sounded like fun, but it ended up being pretty bad.

Right now you can't place mobs on your zone to fight.

The game is very much like UO... not as much or detailed skills at UO yet... but the graphics are way better, the comunity is way better, and there are more items then UO has.
This says skill up and you get new moves and what not basically, so its nothing like UO its a leveling game and then at the bottom it says MORE ITEMS, heck UO players don't want item based games now.

I looked at the video at the homepage, didn't follow your link as in I don't like links. Well it looks spiffy but not my thing, perhaps you could advertise your find somewhere else. Too me it just looks like a fancy Diablo and sounds like it too.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
This says skill up and you get new moves and what not basically, so its nothing like UO its a leveling game and then at the bottom it says MORE ITEMS, heck UO players don't want item based games now.

I looked at the video at the homepage, didn't follow your link as in I don't like links. Well it looks spiffy but not my thing, perhaps you could advertise your find somewhere else. Too me it just looks like a fancy Diablo and sounds like it too.
Heh? It is not a leveling game. What are you smoking? It is skill based just like UO.

There is a big difference between a game having a lot of items and a game being item "based".

Don't knock it until you try it...


Heh? It is not a leveling game. What are you smoking? It is skill based just like UO.

There is a big difference between a game having a lot of items and a game being item "based".

Don't knock it until you try it...
Ah well I was just going by what was in your post, Diablo is a skill based game too when get down to it, the question you need to know is can you change skills any time you want, by lowering one for another.

Either way as far as game play goes I wont knock it, because I know I won't try it. For graphics it looks goofy and blurry just like alot of the other games out today.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Ah well I was just going by what was in your post, Diablo is a skill based game too when get down to it, the question you need to know is can you change skills any time you want, by lowering one for another.

Either way as far as game play goes I wont knock it, because I know I won't try it. For graphics it looks goofy and blurry just like alot of the other games out today.
True but in Diablo you cannot craft and create your own house, zones, etc, AND in Diablo skills dont improve AS YOU USE THEM. In Diablo you go up a level and pick the skills you want.

In Linkrealms most skill improvements are like UO but there are some more moves that are unlocked later. I will try it tonight. I cant wait..