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Lineage 3 Online



I hope I'm allowed to make such a topic in here! :sad3:

Greetings, brave traveler!

I bring to you a website that has been long awaited! I bring to you a website that lets you reminisce on this amazing game and look forward to it's sequel!

Do you still remember how amazing it felt to create your first character? Do you remember, how you killed your first goblin and slaughtered your very first keltir? Weren't those amazing moments? Don't you hold those memories dear to your heart? One may argue how Lineage changed throughout time but one thing should never be questioned. Lineage II is a game that we all love. Lineage II is not simply a game. It is a journey. A journey, once made, will never be forgotten.
Lineage3-Online.com is Lineage themed, indeed. We want to dedicate this site to this amazing game and let others freely discuss and reminisce about their experiences. However, it is not solely focused on Lineage.

It is a place for everyone, indeed. To discuss and socialize, talk about anything you like.
There are no boundaries. Thus I invite you to step in and pay us a visit. What bad can come of it?
We mean you no harm, dear friend.

Join, and you shall not regret.