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  • Thread starter imported_Qute Pi
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imported_Qute Pi

Does anyone know if personal limit or property limit will be increased in EA Land?

I know personal limit is increased weekly or whatever. I'm just wondering if they thought about starting the new sim limit higher than 100 objects.

Plus with property limit being around 800 I think, if you have 8 founders living together, they can't even use their entire personal limit before property limit hits. I think thats unfair.

In the 5 years I've played I can't blame lag on a property having too many items, excluding maybe dance floors, which lag places on occassion. So why is there a limit? And if there HAS to be a limit, why doesn it have to be soooo low?

Cruz Cavera

Honestly, I don't think it will change. Property limit is based on how old your Sim is. So, when EA Land first opens, it will be how TC and TC3 first started out. You will have to have a new Sim, meaning 0 Days Old.



Honestly, I don't think it will change. Property limit is based on how old your Sim is. So, when EA Land first opens, it will be how TC and TC3 first started out. You will have to have a new Sim, meaning 0 Days Old.

[/ QUOTE ]
When EALand opens, the imported sims from the various production cities will retain their age.
Only newly created sims will be 0 days.


I think it should correspond along with the property limit for sims. If you're able to have 35+ sims on a property, the property limit for objects should increase accordingly. Doubt that'll happen, however, especially due to the fact that rule was implemented because of the lag, and that's all we've been experiencing lately. Who knows.


I am hoping they change limits on bookmarks. I merged into TC3 with a full bookmark list already and I hate deleting old friends to make room for new ones. With so many sims per account it makes it impossible to bookmark all our friends.

As for property limits, the lag is so bad on full lots now I hate to think of what it would be like with even more on them. Actually I'm finding it laggy no matter what size lot, but big lots with a lot of stuff is definitely worse than small ones that are limited in objects. Once they get the lag issues worked out, possibly they could change the size 8's to go even bigger, maybe a size 10 would fit all those sims more comfortably. I also think if they are going to stay with 35 on a lot (which I think is too many by the way) they should allow for more roomates too.

I know it's really rough with new sims being so limited with how many objects they can have. To me, it's always been an incentive to not recreate every week, same with gaining locks. But I can also see how it would be a big incentive for returning players to get their locks back according to account age, and I'm sure having the increased object limits the same way would help too. So, I would suggest going by account age with both locks and object limits, and limiting recreates to maybe once a month rather than every 7 days so that new players get to see that as we get older we gain in locks/object limits and maybe they'll think twice before recreating.

imported_Gracie Nito

Property limits only affect lag time when landing or entering a property. The more items, the longer it takes to load the house. Some conisder this lag. Once the house has fully loaded you don't really experience lag from still objects. Animated objects that are constanly in montion like fountains, lit fireplaces, flashing dance floors, candles flickering, combined with 35 sims fidgeting and walking,plus a few dogs roaming about...then you create lag. Add to that some music streaming from a stereo and you get more lag.

I have heard it mentioned even the developers would like to increase these limits but it's not high on the priority list right now. One small reprieve is that they are working on the ability for one sim to own more than one property. So you will be able to fill up two houses with stuff rather than just one.