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life leech...


sorry i dont speak english well...
but i have question.

pet skill life leech....
getting HP is it base on pet's damage?

if my pet damage to monster 100,
pet's HP rise 100* 20% (like vempire lich)?

sorry for wrong structure of sentance


Stratics Veteran
Good evening, unless they have changed it from 8 months ago when one of my friends ran their numbers from what I gather it works like this... when the rng hit life leech the pets gets a 45 sec buff... what this buff does is all moves it uses will gain an extra 5 mana cost to their cost... bare in mind this data is 8 months old so the next value may of changed... but at that time you gained back 55-60% of the damage done as life.... I heard they might lower it to 30% but have run no test on it or heard any new data to reflect this change... Hope this helps mate.. =^-^=


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Good evening, unless they have changed it from 8 months ago when one of my friends ran their numbers from what I gather it works like this... when the rng hit life leech the pets gets a 45 sec buff... what this buff does is all moves it uses will gain an extra 5 mana cost to their cost... bare in mind this data is 8 months old so the next value may of changed... but at that time you gained back 55-60% of the damage done as life.... I heard they might lower it to 30% but have run no test on it or heard any new data to reflect this change... Hope this helps mate.. =^-^=
I was training a Tsuki up with that bugged Lesser this evening and was watching the tsukis life leech. It looked to be leeching in 40%ish range. It foes seem to be noticably less than it was with the first few tsukies I trained up.