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Lets Make a TOP 10 Beating a Dead Horse List

  • Thread starter RavenWinterHawk
  • Start date
  • Watchers 0


For fun.

Lets come up with a top ten for things that have been beaten to death on the board.

Let see.

Tram vs. Fel. My dad can beat your dad up.

Risk vs. Reward. There is tons of risk I just lost my 5k in insurance. What risk, I cant steal or loot anything off your body.

just to start


UO Forum Moderator
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Wiki Moderator
Campaign Supporter
Retro Shards (not just pre-tram, but Pre-AOS, and other oddball ideas)

The Superiority of SP threads


Tamers, Crafters, RP'ers "we need more stable slots!!!!".......Everyone else "no you dont!!!!"


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Every class besides mine is unbalanced! There is a thread in the first two pages all the time condemning sampire, 4/6 chiv, archers, tamers and necromancers.

The current event sucks! It doesn't matter if there's a current event or not, we would still get these posts.

There's a scripter in _______! These have gotten especially annoying since the house burning, as people will report any potential scripting infraction on the stratics boards.


Every class besides mine is unbalanced! There is a thread in the first two pages all the time condemning sampire, 4/6 chiv, archers, tamers and necromancers.

The current event sucks! It doesn't matter if there's a current event or not, we would still get these posts.

There's a scripter in _______! These have gotten especially annoying since the house burning, as people will report any potential scripting infraction on the stratics boards.

Good ones.

Maybe just the cry of NERF.

So whats the common theme so far....


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
IM NOT HAPPY WAAAAH!!!! *nerfed*

YAY ITS FIXED!!!!! *logs on other char*

IM NOT HAPPY WAAAAH!!!! *nerfed*

and these are the days of our lives....:drama:

Kratos Aurion

Tamers, Crafters, RP'ers "we need more stable slots!!!!".......Everyone else "no you dont!!!!"
don't know where the second half of that quote came from.. All my chars including my tamer, mule, stealther etc could use a few more slots.

1) tamer basher threads ftw!!
2)KR sucks (no it doesnt get over it)
3)event content


Playing a thief sucks because of (insert flavor of the week complaint here).


Elbryan Uthador

1) Tram vs Fel
2) Mean PKs
3) Tamers and stable slots
4) Don't nerf me!
5) GM Suck
6) Its not speeding its connection
7) SP are great threads
8) I QUIT!
9) Thieves, thieves, thieves
10) Anything by THP


Looking for a fair fight at Yew gate
Looking for someone (who isn't an NPC) in fel (apart from the aformentioned Yew gate)
Trying to get people to stop typing 'theif' (not aimed at anyone here, just a general comment)
Telling people "you spell it f-e-l-u-c-c-a"

Just a few I can think of :bdh: (that smiley is so wrong...)


Looking for a fair fight at Yew gate
Looking for someone (who isn't an NPC) in fel (apart from the aformentioned Yew gate)
Trying to get people to stop typing 'theif' (not aimed at anyone here, just a general comment)
Telling people "you spell it f-e-l-u-c-c-a"

Just a few I can think of :bdh: (that smiley is so wrong...)
I forgot

UO is going down hill. It will end this year. I think i heard this in 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, oh and in 99, last year and the year before.



Everything you do in the game can be considered Greifing by someone else.

If others do not insult you on the board, then you are not posting enough.

SA is almost done, and will be in stores soon.

I just came back to the game, has anything changed?

All 3rd party programs should work with UO, except the ones that can allow you to cheat.

It is your fault that you are RED, so shut up about everything, no one cares about you.

I have played for 10 years, and now i am bored.




____ is easy as pie. I solo it hundred times a day while watching TV.

(insert any Peerless or Doom Boss incl. Darkfather, Daemon Berserker etc.) :bdh:


...KR sucks (no it doesnt get over it)...
Not enough:
"KR sucks so much that I immediately have to puke when I look at it. The graphic is from hell. KR is the doom of ___ " (insert UO, EA, entire civilization)

This one is also classy:
"Why is UO so unpopular?"
"The graphic sucks."
"Which? 2D?"
"Of course 2D!"
"So why you don't give KR a try?"

*edit* Just read the latest one on KR:
"KR is a legal way of cheating" Delicious :)

Fayled Dhreams

Well ... its new! its current! its as full of crap as all the rest ...
but the op is working it like an automaton .... so its rising like a bullet ...

based on the old "I know better than alla you" (cause I'm a returning vet)
with a dash of "a slap in my face" and a pinch of "the devs promised" (actually : "Risk Vs Reward is the official policy of the developers. Thats set in stone until the developers say otherwise." omg!)

I offer up the rising star of '08 Omnius and begging for points increase BEFORE a publish is released
I offer up (for your consideration) that as the newest and freshest "deadhorse beating"

that beating a deadhorse ... BEFORE it is even born or breathed the air of the forums ...

Should rank high on the list of top ten ... If not the highest.
It has it all ... arguing from assumption and ignorance
not shy about a little well placed arrogance and insult
and twisted interpretations of what WAS said
as to what was "heard/read" omg! One can almost see him reading it upside down!

I'm not completely sure, that the race of trolls; eat their young (just the defective ones ... for genetic purity)
BUT ... If So ...
This one escaped that grisly fate, whether by misdirection (not me! Him! Her! I'M Your favorite! oh! look! shiney! *scoot!*)
or swallowed whole and impervious to digestive juices ... passed on un-noticed to the dungpile, and therefrom, made 'is escape ...

Still, follow the above linky ... and consider ...
beating a deadhorse ... BEFORE it is even born or breathed the air of the forums ...
IS kinda sorta "creative" ...

Burma Shave all