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Lets make a list of people with fantastic connections added to fantastic skills

  • Thread starter Balian of Asgard
  • Start date
  • Watchers 0

Balian of Asgard

Ill start with myself, Im fast and a very skilled 1 button archer

anyone else out there who is faster and better?


I got way more dismounts than you did tonight at Wrong. Me FTW!

Balian of Asgard

My keyboard is just one big solo button, however, it is very sophisticated piece of equipment and it calculates virtually everything to do with my thoughts, so if I need to wolf form, hide, AI, switch weps, Chug a cure, mirror, shadow jump, log out, bank sit, THIS ONE BUTTON KEYBOARD does it all for me...........

Oh, i forgot, I dont even need to use my hands, my forehead works just great


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
My keyboard is just one big solo button, however, it is very sophisticated piece of equipment and it calculates virtually everything to do with my thoughts, so if I need to wolf form, hide, AI, switch weps, Chug a cure, mirror, shadow jump, log out, bank sit, THIS ONE BUTTON KEYBOARD does it all for me...........

Oh, i forgot, I dont even need to use my hands, my forehead works just great

I believe you would get your ass kicked for sayin' something like that man.

Supr Funzor Time

IM L33T and FAST its like the car commercial "Zoom Zoom"