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Let us play "What if you were a New EM"!


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I was wondering today what kind of events would players have if they became the shards new EM. So I thought why not just ask everyone here. So we are going to play the "What If" game.

Today is your first planned event as an EM what would you do?

I would avoid the normal monsters in the middle of nowhere event and go with Pirates overrunning Jhelom. Yes a band of cutthroat pirates have captured the city and are looting it. making for hopefully a good running fight in the city.

After the city is cleared I would announce that the mayors daughter was taken by the captain of this bloodthirsty lot and send the players on a hunt for him on the high seas. Ended in a battle with his ship and best men to rescue her.

I am interested in hearing what all of you think would be a great first event. A PVP tournament? Story time? A Contest? A RP murder mystery? A scavenger hunt?


Seasoned Veteran
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I for one would host a crafters event!

Something like Help arm the brit guard by craft odd number of swords and shields


Prehaps a Cook off to feed the Gargoyles outside of ter mur in the tents.


Crazed Zealot
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Stratics Legend
I would hold random events in Fel Champ Spawns.

I would teleport people I don't like to random places, with the condition that they're far away from me.

I would do the same to anyone who I like, but only teleport them to cool places.

I would hold a story event then spend my story time re-telling bible stories in terms of Sosarian lore, and not the good ones like Samson or Daniel... but "so-and-so begat whosamawhat, whosamawhat begat ..." Down to Dawn, which will take a couple hours, I suppose.

I would "accidently" put special abilities on items I give to people I like.

I would get fired pretty quickly.

Aedon Durreah

Village of Aegis
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Stratics Legend
I would toss out my giant mob spawn button and look for more interesting sorts of events.

I would turn every person that disrupted an event into a ball of slime.

I would spend some time reading as many of the stories and lore of the folks of my shard as I could, and draw on the rich culture of Catskills when planning an event.

I would hold SinDee's crafting event.

I would hold a full size version of Iron Chef Sosaria

I would stage a gigantic pirate (not OP ones) invasion of New Magincia or Skara, Thees pirates would come from Red Skull Bay, drawing on those left of the UP to help orchestrate a true bit of marauding and pillaging.

I would keep the number of this spawn to within reasons, and not turn it into another slaughter pit. All large pets would be banned from this event. Nothing larger then a Cu.

The Pirates would come looking for an emissary of the crown carrying some papers back to the castle in Brit. The first aim of the defenders should be to protect the emissary. That failing, getting the missive to Brit them becomes the aim.

Following this event, I would resign and move to the Bahamas.

Hunters' Moon

Grand Inquisitor
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Remember the Brit invasion of Spring 2005? I would reprise that,but with major changes.

First,I would actually require the invading spawn to begin at a "starting point" and then advance toward the city. If the invading army was able to gain control of certain areas,they would be allowed to set up a garrison,or a war camp,where stronger mobs would spawn and they in turn would attempt to advance further into the city.

If the defenders were able to obtain a defensive stronghold on the outskirts of the city,they would also be given a temporary barracks and fortification against the invaders. This in turn would allow npc defenders to spawn to guard an area.

There would be many ways to aid the defenders or invaders in this scenerio. Not just hacking and slashing any npc "enemy" that spawns on your screen. In any invasion/siege,both armies would need supplies and armaments to be supplied to them in hopes they would win.

1)Blacksmiths/Tailors/Fletchers:No army can fight without weapons. The player would get to pick which side to aid as each side would have a quartermaster to donate a predetermined type of weapon/armor/ammo. Each donation would effect the outcome of battles fought.

2)Alchemists/Chefs: Supplying potions and food can greatly swing the invasion in one direction or the other.

3) Spies: Each General(s) will want to know the positions of enemy camps in the area. This is where steathers would come in. They would move quietly in or near enemy camps and check the number and strength of said camp,by using cartography to mark their location,and tracking to know how many are in the camp. They would be a given a timed "quest" by the general to get there and back to report their findings.

This,in a nutshell,would be how I would attempt to create a real city invasion if I were an EM. I know that most of my stated ideas would not fly and Messana would just stare at the screen in stunned disbelief at my ideas. But who knows,right?

Aedon Durreah

Village of Aegis
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Remember the Brit invasion of Spring 2005? I would reprise that,but with major changes.

First,I would actually require the invading spawn to begin at a "starting point" and then advance toward the city. If the invading army was able to gain control of certain areas,they would be allowed to set up a garrison,or a war camp,where stronger mobs would spawn and they in turn would attempt to advance further into the city.

If the defenders were able to obtain a defensive stronghold on the outskirts of the city,they would also be given a temporary barracks and fortification against the invaders. This in turn would allow npc defenders to spawn to guard an area.

There would be many ways to aid the defenders or invaders in this scenerio. Not just hacking and slashing any npc "enemy" that spawns on your screen. In any invasion/siege,both armies would need supplies and armaments to be supplied to them in hopes they would win.

1)Blacksmiths/Tailors/Fletchers:No army can fight without weapons. The player would get to pick which side to aid as each side would have a quartermaster to donate a predetermined type of weapon/armor/ammo. Each donation would effect the outcome of battles fought.

2)Alchemists/Chefs: Supplying potions and food can greatly swing the invasion in one direction or the other.

3) Spies: Each General(s) will want to know the positions of enemy camps in the area. This is where steathers would come in. They would move quietly in or near enemy camps and check the number and strength of said camp,by using cartography to mark their location,and tracking to know how many are in the camp. They would be a given a timed "quest" by the general to get there and back to report their findings.

This,in a nutshell,would be how I would attempt to create a real city invasion if I were an EM. I know that most of my stated ideas would not fly and Messana would just stare at the screen in stunned disbelief at my ideas. But who knows,right?
Was that the ones where they used the smart spawn that we had to keep beating back? That was a nice invasion, and at the time, I had a house just near the Brit mines.

The biggest issue I have with most invasions is that they are too massive and over blown. The mobs put together with the numbers of folks fighting them and the massive amount of pets simply means a lag to death fest that is fun for few.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Was that the ones where they used the smart spawn that we had to keep beating back? That was a nice invasion, and at the time, I had a house just near the Brit mines.

The biggest issue I have with most invasions is that they are too massive and over blown. The mobs put together with the numbers of folks fighting them and the massive amount of pets simply means a lag to death fest that is fun for few.
So would you prefer something like a series of smaller raid type attacks over say a week or two? Sort of unannounced events in towns or other locations. Something like that may even get players back into some of the less used cities patrolling for these attacks. Or maybe the EM should use classic tactics and have one large mob attack that will pull most people to it. Then while it is going on launch a smaller attack someplace else that is after something. Make the players think in tactical terms for a change.

I do agree with you that I got tired of the "well to make things more challenging for the players lets use more monsters and make them tougher mentality" the EMs have taken. I enjoy a good storyline and more thought provoking events. I enjoy events that the players can work on at their own pace. Not the everyone gate here. Someone solves this part so lets gate to the next clue as a army and solve it, till we work our way to the huge mob fight at the end.

I would love a event where the end monster would make all the Greater Dragons go wild. Because most events have three types of players that work them, tamers, mages and archers. A good EM should be able to come up with events for other classes of characters. Be glad I am not a EM otherwise I would ask Mesanna to help me design a slime that is very fast that has acid that eats leather. Most every player wears leather armor of some type so I can hear the screams about my slimes already.

I would also do silly events such as a massive army of bunnies attack on Luna. Mind you those bunnies would be pumped up killers, but the screen shots of all the bank sitters killed or being killed by rabbits as a news story on Stratics would have me laughing so hard. To me that would be classic. "TO ARMS! TO ARMS! RABBITS HAVE ATTACKED LUNA!!!!!"

Aedon Durreah

Village of Aegis
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
So would you prefer something like a series of smaller raid type attacks over say a week or two? Sort of unannounced events in towns or other locations. Something like that may even get players back into some of the less used cities patrolling for these attacks. Or maybe the EM should use classic tactics and have one large mob attack that will pull most people to it. Then while it is going on launch a smaller attack someplace else that is after something. Make the players think in tactical terms for a change.

I do agree with you that I got tired of the "well to make things more challenging for the players lets use more monsters and make them tougher mentality" the EMs have taken. I enjoy a good storyline and more thought provoking events. I enjoy events that the players can work on at their own pace. Not the everyone gate here. Someone solves this part so lets gate to the next clue as a army and solve it, till we work our way to the huge mob fight at the end.

I would love a event where the end monster would make all the Greater Dragons go wild. Because most events have three types of players that work them, tamers, mages and archers. A good EM should be able to come up with events for other classes of characters. Be glad I am not a EM otherwise I would ask Mesanna to help me design a slime that is very fast that has acid that eats leather. Most every player wears leather armor of some type so I can hear the screams about my slimes already.

I would also do silly events such as a massive army of bunnies attack on Luna. Mind you those bunnies would be pumped up killers, but the screen shots of all the bank sitters killed or being killed by rabbits as a news story on Stratics would have me laughing so hard. To me that would be classic. "TO ARMS! TO ARMS! RABBITS HAVE ATTACKED LUNA!!!!!"
*nods* A longer, well thought out attack beats a "HUGE MOB SPAWN!!" every time. There is no reason to turn what could be an enjoyable event into a lag fest that causes many to simply leave the area, or log out. And while I understand that they fight using their pets, it is almost impossible to enjoy any even when someones dragon, WW or giant ugly bug is sitting on your head.

Something a bit scaled back, with some fighting restrictions imposed will give more folks a chance to not only take part in, but also enjoy the events.

As to helping to get players back involved in the other NPC towns, they must have a reason to care about the towns. The advent of player houses which could contain every thing anyone would ever need within was a death blow to the towns. Most sit vacant other then the occasional person doing their banking. The rebuild of Magincia gave many of us a hope of seeing a return to NPC towns by allowing players some dominion over the buildings. What we , mostly got was Luna Lite. This is in no way intended as a disparaging remark towards those that settled the town, it is simply my view of a great idea that failed to deliver.

The small market stalls are an eyesore, and seem rather out of place in a town that should have been brought back in an easier fashion. UO has so many gorgeous towns that sit idle most of the time. How about instead of looking mostly towards mob spawns a traveling fair of some sort was set up that would highlight the great aspects of each of the towns? And do this by getting the people of the area involved. I am more then a little sure that PGOH would love to aid in showcasing Trinsic, Aegis, Silverwood, and others for Yew, COD Umbra and so on. I think to HL Luna you may wish to set things up outside the city seeing that it is a lag fest to shop there.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
As to helping to get players back involved in the other NPC towns, they must have a reason to care about the towns. The advent of player houses which could contain every thing anyone would ever need within was a death blow to the towns. Most sit vacant other then the occasional person doing their banking. The rebuild of Magincia gave many of us a hope of seeing a return to NPC towns by allowing players some dominion over the buildings. What we , mostly got was Luna Lite. This is in no way intended as a disparaging remark toward those that settled the town, it is simply my view of a great idea that failed to deliver.

The small market stalls are an eyesore, and seem rather out of place in a town that should have been brought back in an easier fashion. UO has so many gorgeous towns that sit idle most of the time. How about instead of looking mostly toward mob spawns a traveling fair of some sort was set up that would highlight the great aspects of each of the towns? And do this by getting the people of the area involved. I am more then a little sure that PGOH would love to aid in showcasing Trinsic, Aegis, Silverwood, and others for Yew, COD Umbra and so on. I think to HL Luna you may wish to set things up outside the city seeing that it is a lag fest to shop there.
This is out of the EMs abilities but I always thought that the towns vendors should of been themed. What I mean by that is right now you can pretty much buy the same things from npcs in every town. So why visit visit other towns when you you can shop for everything in one stop (Yep the towns are like Walmart). I think certain towns should be the only ones to sell certain items. Such as tricorner hats and cutlasses would only be found in Buc Den. Though in game now most players either get their equipment from monsters, their craftsmen or friends craftsmen.

Plus within a few days most new players do not need the blacksmiths and armorers npcs. They have gotten better equipment from monsters or other players by that point. So why not have the unused vendors have special weapons and armor spawn for sale every once in a while. It would make a great gold sink for the players and give them a reason to visit those npcs in the hope of catching such a spawn.

I would also love to see players have a pack horse escort mission from one city to another that does not allow the use of any of the travel spells. Maybe the horse is carrying sensitive materials that do not act well with magic? Limiting them to moongates and the open road.

Aedon Durreah

Village of Aegis
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
This is out of the EMs abilities but I always thought that the towns vendors should of been themed. What I mean by that is right now you can pretty much buy the same things from npcs in every town. So why visit visit other towns when you you can shop for everything in one stop (Yep the towns are like Walmart). I think certain towns should be the only ones to sell certain items. Such as tricorner hats and cutlasses would only be found in Buc Den. Though in game now most players either get their equipment from monsters, their craftsmen or friends craftsmen.

Plus within a few days most new players do not need the blacksmiths and armorers npcs. They have gotten better equipment from monsters or other players by that point. So why not have the unused vendors have special weapons and armor spawn for sale every once in a while. It would make a great gold sink for the players and give them a reason to visit those npcs in the hope of catching such a spawn.

I would also love to see players have a pack horse escort mission from one city to another that does not allow the use of any of the travel spells. Maybe the horse is carrying sensitive materials that do not act well with magic? Limiting them to moongates and the open road.
Oh I know the EM's cannot help this, it is in the hands of the devs to do such things. It is just an observation of something I feel could have been done differently and perhaps more would have stayed.