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[Discussion] Let me introduce myself


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hello everyone,

I've been on stratics for a fair bit, however mostly to get ICQs of people, to private bid, or sell...
I'm starting to buy more rares and things for now, so I feel like I should at least give a quick introduction.

Who am I:

Well on Stratics I go by: SapphireDiablo, S.D, etc.
In game my name will vary from shard to shard, anything from Apple one, Mule, Lirimear Nim'Oth, Piper of Hamelin, Poikear Alstalder, etc.

So if you want to make sure it is me, use my ICQ 416182073 << Double check!

What am I interested in:

IRL: I love food. I'm a pastry chef, and just can't get enough! Live Laugh Love, as you see all those cheesy posts and cards say.

IG: I like things that stand out, color wise or art, but I don't like the neon colors. (strange huh?). I also love statues and things that I think match together. IE: things containing the same words, Blackrock, Blackthron, Bane, etc.

Where am I from:

I play a few shards, so I don't really have lots of strong ties. I mostly play Atlantic as a thief, LS as mages, Sonoma as Archers, GL as thrower, etc. Probably most of my time is spent on Sonoma and LS and Atlantic. The others mainly for events, if I can make them.

I also display most my rares in my castle on LS. Currently it is being renovated, but I will do my best to get it open shortly. (have to transfer some things there, and move some gozas, etc.)


I've been playing UO for 14 years now. Never took a break, though at times I've almost stopped because of life becoming very busy.

Still love the game, despite the lag never getting fixed from day one! Atleast the reverts/crashes that are randomly happening nowadays remind me of when I first started :p

I am introducing myself to get to know you all a little bit better. Have you all know me a little better.

I've traded with quite of few people here in the past, and figure instead of being a random "toon" that snipes bids, I should at least say hello!~

Hello! How are you all?
I look forward to trading with everyone!

Have a great day! :D

Nails Warstein

Royal Explorer & Grand Archaeologian Of Sosaria
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Patron
Welcome back! I have enjoyed trading with SD over the past year, and I recommend them to anyone.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
Thank you for the wonderful introduction ^_^ Always a pleasure to learn and get to know more about fellow passionate rare collectors!

Lord Nabin

High Council Sage - Greater Sosaria
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Glorious Lord
Great Introduction Friend. We are glad to have you.

*Tips a glass of good old Moonglow Red*


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Please to meet you all as well.

Thank you for such a warm welcome :D

I hope to be doing a touch of trading, or a handful, but I probably am going to save a lot for the rarefest, then start splurging again with any gold I have left.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Arwenamin Maien, Poikaer Astlader, Vorower Lindar, Copper, Mellonamin, Loki, Mel Kalver, Melkelvar, Mel Kelvar, Mel Kelver, Vanya Sulie, Lance the Noble, Henry the Noble, Mule one (two,threefourfivesixseven), Apple (onetwothreefourfivesixseven), Inigo montoya, Mel kevar, and quite a few others....


Stratics Veteran
We sorta met already. But it's nice to hear about you, what you do, and who you are! I'll trade you breads for pastries any day!


Mithryl Elves

Elves Suck
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Arwenamin Maien, Poikaer Astlader, Vorower Lindar, Copper, Mellonamin, Loki, Mel Kalver, Melkelvar, Mel Kelvar, Mel Kelver, Vanya Sulie, Lance the Noble, Henry the Noble, Mule one (two,threefourfivesixseven), Apple (onetwothreefourfivesixseven), Inigo montoya, Mel kevar, and quite a few others....
Oh yah Ive seen some of the names. I played on the other facet though so we didnt know eachother but we have done deals in the past.

I played Cannibal C H E F, PK Action Barbie, DarkTower, MILABAR, Poltergeist, Disco Stu and so on so forth...

Lord X

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Arwenamin Maien, Poikaer Astlader, Vorower Lindar, Copper, Mellonamin, Loki, Mel Kalver, Melkelvar, Mel Kelvar, Mel Kelver, Vanya Sulie, Lance the Noble, Henry the Noble, Mule one (two,threefourfivesixseven), Apple (onetwothreefourfivesixseven), Inigo montoya, Mel kevar, and quite a few others....
You dont by chance play Diablo 3 do you?

Lord X

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Arwenamin Maien, Poikaer Astlader, Vorower Lindar, Copper, Mellonamin, Loki, Mel Kalver, Melkelvar, Mel Kelvar, Mel Kelver, Vanya Sulie, Lance the Noble, Henry the Noble, Mule one (two,threefourfivesixseven), Apple (onetwothreefourfivesixseven), Inigo montoya, Mel kevar, and quite a few others....
You dont by chance play Diablo 3 do you?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I did for a bit.
Stopped just after they introduced paragon levels.

Also played sc2 (hots and wol) and wc3 tft