UO Baja News Reporter
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Mr. Clean of Kijustsu Anei Village is one confused djinni. He is determined to hold a yellow colored theme St. Patrick’s Day celebration because of his obsession with lemons. Even Niva the Savage knows that Human/Elfs are supposed to wear green cloth on that day. She also likes the green colored ale served on that day. The last thing Mr. Clean said to her was about talking to someone in Yew about his planned event.
Meet Niva the Savage at the entrance to Empath Abbey in Yew, Trammel on Monday, March 16, 2015 at 8 PM EST to help her find Mr. Clean.
Meet Niva the Savage at the entrance to Empath Abbey in Yew, Trammel on Monday, March 16, 2015 at 8 PM EST to help her find Mr. Clean.