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[Auction] Legendary Weapons


Stratics Veteran
Taking offers on items below from 1m, all are max dur, and un-Enhanced. Reply here or via ICQ: 588326766.

Caster Types:
Repeating Crossbow: 6 MR, 5 Int, Troll Slayer, Balanced, Spell Channeling, No Penalty, -15 Mage Weapon
Scimitar: Spell Channeling, -1 FC, 9 MR, 3 SR, 6 HPR, 4 Mana, 5 Int, 75 HML
Scimitar: Spell Channeling, No Penalty, 5 LMC, 6 MR, 5 Mana, 5 Int, 100 HML
Lance: Spell Channeling, -1 FC, -20 Mage Weapon, 3 MR, 9 SR, 6 HPR
Lance: Spell Channeling, -1 FC, 2 LMC, 9 MR, 9 HPR, 1 Mana, 3 HP, 3 Int, 4 Str
Cyclone: 4 LMC, 4 Mana, Spell Channeling, No Penalty, 70 Hit Mana Drain, 50 Hit Fatigue, 40 HML, 70 HSL
No-Dachi: Spell Channeling, -1 FC, 4 LMC, 6 MR, 9 SR, 6 HPR, 4 Int, 87 HML
Maul: Spell Channeling, -1 FC, 5 LMC, 9 MR, 6 SR, 6 HPR, 4 Mana, 4 Int, 87 HML
Double Axe: Spell Channeling, -1 FC, 2 LMC, 9 MR, 6 SR, 6 HPR, 4 Mana, 4 Int, 100 HML
Kryss: Spell Channeling, -1 FC, 4 LMC, 9 MR, 6 SR, 6 HPR, 3 Mana, 4 Int
Gargish Dagger: Spell Channeling, No Penalty, -20 Mage Weapon, 5 LMC, 6 MR, 5 Mana, 5 Int, 50 HML
Nunchaku: 30 SSI, 4 LMC, 6 MR, 6 SR, 4 Int, Spell Channeling, No Penalty, -25 Mage Weapon, 70 HSL
Gargish Katana: Spell Channeling, -1 FC, -20 Mage Weapon, 4 LMC, 9 MR, 6 SR, 6 HPR, 4 Mana
Composite Bow: Spell Channeling, -1 FC, -15 Mage Weapon, Balanced, 4 LMC, 3 Mana, 40 Velocity, 50 HML
Composite Bow: Spell Channeling, -1 FC, -20 Mage Weapon, Balanced, 6 HPR, 4 HP, 5 Str, Scorpion Slayer, 35 Velocity
Composite Bow: Spell Channeling, -1 FC, -20 Mage Weapon, 35 Velocity, Balanced, Terathan Slayer, 6 HPR, 6 SR, 6 MR

Dexxer Types:
Hammer Pick: 40 SSI, 5 LMC, 1 FC, 4 Mana, 4 Stam, 4 Int, 4 Dex, -20 Mage Weapon, 22 HML
Gargish Talwar: 50 DI, 30 SSI, 15 HCI, 4 Stam, 5 Dex, Battle Lust, 70 Hit Fire Area, 40 Hit Lightning, 10 Splintering
Heavy Crossbow: 9 HPR, 1 HP, 5 Str, 20 Hit Mana Drain, 60 Hit Fatigue, 50 HLL, 50 HML, 10 HSL
Pitchfork: 9 MR, 3 SR, 6 HPR, Blood Drinker, 70 Hit Mana Drain, 40 Hit Fatigue, 62 HLL, 25 HML, 20 HSL
Bloodblade: 50 DI, 30 SSI, 20 HCI, 6 SR, 2 Stam, 5 Dex, 50 HSL, 20 Splintering
Crossbow: 2 LMC, 9 MR, 6 SR, 6 HPR, 1 Mana, 4 Int, 50 HML
Crossbow: 6 MR, 3 SR, 9 HPR, 30 Hit Mana Drain, 70 Ht Fatigue, 50 HLL, 22 HML
Double Axe: 5 LMC, 3 MR, 4 Int, 4 Mana, 70 Hit Mana Drain, 50 Hit Fatigue, 81 HLL, 100 HML
Double Axe: 40 SSI, 6 HPR, 4 Stam, 4 HP, 5 Dex, 56 HLL, 50 HSL

Hybrid Types:
Pike: 4 LMC, 1 FC, 9 MR, 6 SR, 6 HPR, 5 Mana, 3 Int
Gargish Bradiche: 4 LMC, 1 FC, 9 MR, 9 SR, 3 HPR, 4 Mana, 4 Int, 20 Hit Mana Drain, 100 HML
Heavy Crossbow: 4 LMC, 3 MR, 9 SR, 5 Mana, 4 SR, 4 Int, 4 Dex, 50 HML
Gargish Kryss: 5 LMC, 1 FC, 3 MR, 6 HPR, 4 Mana, 3 HP, 5 Str, 60 HML
Composite Bow: 9 MR, 6 HPR, 4 Mana, 4 HP, 2 Int, 4 Str, 50 Hit Mana Drain, 20 HML
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