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[Selling] Legendary PVP/PVM ATLANTIC Account



I am trying to sell an 8 month old Ultima Online Account on Atlantic. Account is upgraded to Mondain’s Legacy and comes with an 18 x 14 custom house near Yew Moongate Trammel. All characters are blue.

(REAL SKILL/SKILL CAP) is how everything is set up.

Character 1:
120/120 Magery
120/120 Eval Int.
120/120 Archery
0/120 Swords
0/120 Parry
114.4/120 Med
100/100 Tactics
120/120 Resist
0/100 Hiding – 100 Soul Stoned
0/115 Spirit Speak
0/120 Necromancy
0/120 Wrestling
+25 Stat Scroll Used

Character 2:
120/120 Swords
120/120 Parry
0/120 Archery
107.4/120 Bushido
102.6/115 Spirit Speak
105/110 Necromancy
100/110 Tactic
45/100 Chivalry
0/100 Focus
0/110 Healing
0/115 Anatomy
0/120 Ninjutsu
0/120 Parry
0/120 Swords
+25 Stat Scroll Used

Character 3:
120/120 Fencing
59.4/100 Tactics
89.6/100 Alchemy
81.2/100 Poisoning
93.7/110 Healing
115/115 Anatomy
85/100 Chivalry
0/110 Magery – 100 Soul Stoned
0/110 Bushido
0/115 Spellweaving
+15 Stat Scroll Used

Character 4:
93/120 Animal Taming
115.6/120 Animal Lore
120/120 Music
104/120 Peace
111.4/115 Magery
107.1/110 Vet
+15 Stat Scroll Used
Bonded Ice White Cu
Bonded Greater Dragon
Bonded Nightmare

Character 5:
114.4/120 Tailoring
100.9/120 Blacksmithing
89.7/100 Arms Lore
75.8/100 Mining
60.8/100 Tinkering
51/100 Carpentry
46.5/100 Bowcraft
44.8/100 Magery

Notable Items:

Hat of Magi
Spirit of Totem
Spirit of Totem [blessed]
Conjurer’s Trinket
Crimson Cincture [blessed]
Staff of Magi
Ring of Elements
Totem of the Void x 4
Charger of Fallen x 2
Arcane Shield
Ornament of Magician x 2
Ring of the Vile
Quiver of Infinity x 2
Armor of Fortune x 2
Chaos Shield [replica]
Orc Chieftain [replica]
Paragon Gold Dye – 30 Charges
Stormgrip x 2
Rune Beetle Carapace
Kasa of the Raj-in
Pendant of Magi x 2
Black Dye Tub
Leather Dye Tub
Scrapper’s Conpendium
Soul Seeker
Resillient Bracer
Aegis of Grace
Tome of Lost Knowledge
Heart of the Lion x 2
Fey Leggings
Royal Leggings of Ember

Tons of resources, crafted weapons and armor, Tokuno minors (including some dyes), and a couple million gold between all the characters, Not sure how much gold but less than 10 Mil total. Bunch of very expensive armor and jewelry in house or bank. Bunch of level 11 artifacts not even worth mentioning. I have about 7 or 8 soulstone frags with at least 3 charges on each.

ICQ 558514358, message me if interested


wow i dont want to buy but if it was a transfer damn id be all over it lol..

thats a great account.

only thing is the short age.