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Legendary Dreams Library

  • Thread starter Old Macdonald
  • Start date
  • Watchers 0

Old Macdonald

[LD] Library *NEW FEL BOOKS!*

Looking for a good library to use?
Legendary Dreams Library is just outside of Luna City's east gate. Run to the front row of houses, then head to the northern most house!

See Pic Below:

Legendary Dreams Library Features:
*Alphabetical Monster Catalogue
*Dungeon Books
*City Books
*NPC Vendor Books
*Questing Books
*Virtue Books
*Skill Training Books
*Rare & Unique Locations
*SA Abyss Entrances [Fire & Ter Mur]
*Ter Mur Locations
**Coming Soon: Several Felucca Runebooks!**

Above and beyond the normal library, many of the books are titled in rare HTML format, some are even HTML & Double Exceptional!
Surely a sight to see, as it is the largest collection of rare library
books on Pacific - may I be so bold to say perhaps all of Ultima Online!?


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You have the coolest library I have seen in a very long while. I am so proud for you and all you haveaccomplished!


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
thanks for getting this up. Can you do a screenshot of the house information sign, I'd like to get the information house built date :)

Old Macdonald

thanks for getting this up. Can you do a screenshot of the house information sign, I'd like to get the information house built date :)
Not sure what significance the build date has...history maybe? idk.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Yep historical, I asked you a bunch of questions in game hopefully the screenshots of our conversation will help my memory!. Thanks

Old Macdonald

I have already started on the screenies you were needing, hopefully have the links e-mailed out to ya tommorow so we can git er done!

Anything else, just shoot me an E-mail or drop a post in this thread!

Thanks Lyconis!

Old Macdonald

Working on developing a legend for runebook navigation....this will take some doing.


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Thanks for posting info on your library!

Old Stratics Pacific site lists Rune Libraries from 2006. Checked two of them and they didn't exist anymore so searched Pacific forum :).

Needed to get some SA locations. Great place :).


Appropriatly built under the American Flag in Eastern Malas -
Legendary Dreams makes it bigger once again!

The overwhelming surge of requests for Felucca books will finally be laid to rest once and for all!

A new section of Felucca Books have been added for public use.
The *NEW* Felucca Section of books has DOUBLED the size of the library. Books range from NPC's to Cities all the way to Dungeons! Suggested Locations that are not available are encouraged!

The Library now features over an estimated 8 thousand rune locations to nearly anywhere you desire to go within UO's lands.

In addition, there are several TELEPADS, that are set up for public use.
The telepads will transport you at the blink of an eye to: museums, libraries, pvp fight pits, TYEELOR's ABYSS HOME, Luna Lots, and a fantastic secluded Three-Home-Island Museum. All homes are for public use/viewing!

Thanks to all of my friends who participate and open their homes and treasures for the Community to enjoy!
The combined effort has built a fantastic outlet for all to use!

Random Statistics: The Legendary Dreams Library has had over 40,000 visits!!
*Repeat visits are not counted towards the house sign.*
Thanks go out to the Pacific Community and our Visitors.

***A very special thanks to a dear friend and UO Icon***
"Here is to making an extremely wonderful place possible..."
Thank You Lord Nabin.
~Developing support for the Community with support from the community.~

To be Continued.....​


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
ander do you still need tmaps? house is an essential for pacific, keep up the good work
satan's comin look busy


I am still taking any and all completed maps sir!

Thanks for your continued support of the Library Mojmir!