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[Selling] Legendary and Greater Artifact Items Atlantic


Stratics Veteran
Just some items I have for sale that I found while sorting some bags. Not sure of the value, if any, but here they are. All offers welcome.

ItemSale Collection.png
Legendary Arti 008.png
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Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Most of these are cursed, not gonna be worth much if anything tbh.


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The scimitar and the legendary ring cursed can have a value to a colector, since they dont spawn anymore, the rest don't have value.

ps if this ring wasnt cursed the price would be a lot :'P


Stratics Veteran
Good to know. Gives me an idea of what to look out for then. Would it be worth posting those in the other forum?
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