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[Discussion] Leather Dye Tub - 1st Year Vet Reward ??

Angel of Sonoma

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
i obtained several dye tubs from an idoc. a few days later i tried to dye a new lrc suit. no matter what i tried the suit stayed the same color (wouldn't dye). so i recalled to luna & used a leather dye tub in one of the houses there and dyed my armor.

i went back to my house perplexed. i couldn't figure out why the dye tub wasn't working. then i noticed something. the description on the dye tub reads:

Leather Dye Tub
1st Year Veteran Reward
Weight: 10 Stones

but a leather dye tub is a 2ND year vet reward! what's up with this one??


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Try using the dye tub on cloth. I think it is one of those tubs that was sold to an NPC and bought back. The colors will only work on cloth *I think*.

Angel of Sonoma

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
that's it! the leather dye tub will dye cloth but not leather.

thanks for the explanation!


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
These are neat, you can dye cloth leather tub colors which you can't get from a normal dye tub. I use mine to make LRC suits I sell - I dye a 2 yr tub and the 1 yr tub the same color, then this way I can dye the hats the same color and the bags that hold the suit pieces. I've also used it to get a nice color to match the stone in a keep to make goza stairs and walkways.