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EM Event Laying to Rest


UO Event Moderator
UO Event Moderator
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
From the desk of the King

It is with great sadness that I send word of the untimely death of Mr. Erasmus Battersby, Curator of the Britannia Heraldic Society. Mr. Battersby's dedication to his work was outstanding. His honesty and caring for our cities and townships cost him his life. Woe unto the person/persons responsible for his death. His death will not be taken lightly nor forgotten. Justice will be served.

Funeral Services are as follows:

Funeral services will be held in Nujel'm- Trammel. Portal gates to the service will be opened 30 minutes prior to the service.

Day of Service: June 1st

Time of Service: 7pm pst

Burial Procession to Nujel'm Cemetery will take place after the service .

It is requested that the Town Guard attend in full uniform to provide Escort of the coffin at this time.

Pall bearers are requested, as Mr. Battersby had no known relatives.

Flowers may be given prior to the service. They may be placed in the mailbox at the Chapel beside of the EM Hall, or in the mailbox at the Baja Museum.

My gratitude extended to Grindylow the Hag for the planning and arrangements for Mr. Battersby.