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[Fishing] Lava Lobster Trap



I wanted to give this Lava Lobster trap a shot but after messing around with them I'm left with a few questions:

First of all, I was reading that some people were experiencing a problem where the trap would bob and then go under so quickly that it was impossible to grab it in time, so I was wondering if you just need crazy reflexes or if this is in fact a bug AND if so, has it been fixed yet? Also I read that there was a bug where after you pick up the Lava Lobster trap it turns into a normal lobster trap but it had supposidly been fixed... However when I picked my trap up I found it was now called "Empty Lobster Trap" which, although it retained it's greenish Lava Lobster trap hue, makes me wonder if this really has been fixed.

Second, does anyone know if I'm able to successfully use the trap with only GM fishing? The only place I managed to find a spot for it was in SA and it told me the fish weren't biting there; I'm not sure if this is because there are never any lobsters there or because my fishing isn't high enough.

My third and final question is does anyone have any locations they can recommend for using the traps? As I mentioned I tried in SA with no luck, but I also tried in Fire Dungeon and couldn't even find a spot to place it. I also looked around on Fire Island and the NW fiery area in Ter Mur but couldn't find any suitable locations there either.

Thanks in advance :D


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I think they just designed traps to have a chance to sink. That chance is WAY too high if you ask me, especially if you consider that you can only get the stupid things at the floating market and that they cost way too much.

Lobster fishing was ill conceived from the get go.