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[Fishing] Lava Fish



Before the patch I know that you were able to fish up various dungeon fish with only GM fishing, specifically the Lava Fish. After the patch there have been many special ("Your fishing pole bends as..." etc.) dungeon fish that I'm only just now able to fish up (again) now that I have 105 fishing.

My question is has anyone with 105 fishing been able to fish up a Lava Fish or do you need higher than that? And a follow-up question, despite the name I'm assuming you fish it up from the water because I don't see any lava in Underworld.

Mr Bug

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I have fished up 1 Lava fish and I got it this morning. I was fishing in the Lava with a Lava pole in the Abyss using no bait. Fishing skill is 107.5 currently and I had burned 3 or so poles there prior to being 106 and never got any Lava fish. Yes they can be caught but I had no luck catching one prior to 106 fishing. Hope that helps.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I fished up a lava fish in the abyss last week. My fishing skill is 105. The weight was 86, if I recall. I caught it on the first pole I used, probably about 20 casts. This was on Sonoma shard. No bait used.