Come along and see the launch of the Moonglow Navy's newest ship, The M.N.S Raptor.
There will be food, drink, music and a tour of the Navy's newest base.
Sunday the 6th February at 8pm UK Time, 9pm CET Time at Northern Star.
Northern Star can be found east of Ice Dungeon in Trammel.
* The library had 12m points as of 1st February so unless none of have been xsharded over this is true.
There will be food, drink, music and a tour of the Navy's newest base.
Sunday the 6th February at 8pm UK Time, 9pm CET Time at Northern Star.
Northern Star can be found east of Ice Dungeon in Trammel.
* The library had 12m points as of 1st February so unless none of have been xsharded over this is true.