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(RP) Last Thoughts of Va'lis Razele


Lore Master
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Sitting in this cell causes me to wonder several things. The most important being, how the hell did I allow these things to go this far? I knew that one day my stubborness would be cause for my downfall. Maybe I just didnt think it would come this soon.

I turned myself over to the Guardians for trial, I was tired of running. Looking over my shoulders constantly to see if a shadowy figure was following at night. There never was, I was just paranoid. But still I let it get to me.

Ive only been here a few days now, Eban talks to me about things every now and then. But other than that, I am left in silence. Left to my own thoughts. Maybe thats my punishment. To live the remainder of my days in this cell, looking back over my past deeds.

Everthorne... That land did not deserve the aggression I held to it. Neither did the fae that settled there afterwards. Aegis, perhaps was one of the few places I could go without having to worry about an assassin. Well, usually.

And the Guardians, I do not even remember what sparked my fued with them. Its been years and it never resolved. Sure, I tried to. But it never lasted. Not once.

In the end I am left with only a handful of those that I can trust. Trust enough not to bury a blade into my body at least without reasonable cause.

Only now of course do I realize that Eban has returned and is talking once more. My mind is always in two places these days. In here, with my memories. While I barely realize whats going on around me.

I vaguely start putting pieces together now. Finally understanding what I can choose to do. Keep some honor for myself, and my reputation as someone who would never back down. No matter the odds.

I decide my fate. It's time.

Eban and I shake hands, a rare moment. One that I think never has happened between us. He readies himself, and again I remember my last words to him. I pray he remembers my last request. I close my eyes, my arms opening as if on their own free will. Just simple cloth now between me, and my next journey.

I sense him lunge and allow a slight smile to flash across my face before the blade pierces through me.

I fall back, time slows it seems. I can feel my energy leaving my body, but there isnt any pain.

My eyes open, but they are no longer my own. My spirit now resides over the body ive had for so many long, long years now. As I turn, I find im not alone.

The cell fades as I focus on my new surroundings. Hundreds, maybe thousands of others stand around me. I recognize faces. Those ive killed, those ive helped, and those that were tied to me throughout the years in friendship and trust.

The cell finally fades, leaving me with the spirits. Its strange, but I feel a hand take mine. Looking at it, I see my wife. Not yet a spirit, but tied to me all the same. A brief smile appears again and she leads me away from my past. And to my new future, and rest, in true death.


Although this was very well done, some how it seems like a loss.

Aedon Durreah

Village of Aegis
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Having someone feel they need to kill off their character is always a loss. It is a shame that Va'lis could not find a less permanent solution to his problems.

Many of those that called Va'lis friend will feel the loss greatly, and I am sure the ripples from this once it is discovered IC what happened will be great.

So Va'lis, does that mean I get to keep my blackrock?


Wielder of Ebil Cookies
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Wielder of Ebil Cookies
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Oh wait, I forgot to ask,

Can I have all Va'lis' stuff?
No he needs to keep it. That way when hes done taking a nice break playing Rift with me, he can return to UO and have fun again :)


Order | Chaos
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No, this is not happening.

He cannot be dead. This must be some sort of mistake.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Having someone feel they need to kill off their character is always a loss.
I do not think that Va'lis felt "forced" to kill off his character, he simply would take any judgment that would be handed to him for his crimes. He also told me he might want to maybe take a new approach to playing the game and build another character, at which I suggested a name change token. That's what he told me 3-4 days ago.

What I enjoyed was the fact that he was willing to kill his character off in the name of GOOD RP!!!! That's why I thought him hard core, badass! :D


Lore Keeper
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I've been on a really tight schedule lately with work and unable to log in as much as I am used to. I've missed most of the rp leading up to this decision on Va'lis part. I did talk to him several weeks ago about the actions that were expected to be taken in retaliation for his actions, and he told me that while he didn't really prefer death that he was fine with that as an outcome. We offered to tone it down because perma-death is not something that we will ever try to force on anyone regardless of the circumstances.


Stratics Veteran
I do not think that Va'lis felt "forced" to kill off his character, he simply would take any judgment that would be handed to him for his crimes. He also told me he might want to maybe take a new approach to playing the game and build another character, at which I suggested a name change token. That's what he told me 3-4 days ago.

What I enjoyed was the fact that he was willing to kill his character off in the name of GOOD RP!!!! That's why I thought him hard core, badass! :D

*looks around for the like button* :)

Aedon Durreah

Village of Aegis
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The choice to kill off Va'lis he made, that is true. It is just a shame that no other solution could be found that would placate those involved.

You think this is bad ass Pandy, some years back a guy not only perma killed his character, but he allowed a member of KOY to behead him on the roof of the Aegis stockade.

I also thought that death was a loss, but the Knight Elder at the time could see nothing short of full retribution for "crimes committed."

I suppose I am just someone that looks for something short of violence to settle matters.

<----Old Hippie.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The choice to kill off Va'lis he made, that is true. It is just a shame that no other solution could be found that would placate those involved.

You think this is bad ass Pandy, some years back a guy not only perma killed his character, but he allowed a member of KOY to behead him on the roof of the Aegis stockade.

I also thought that death was a loss, but the Knight Elder at the time could see nothing short of full retribution for "crimes committed."

I suppose I am just someone that looks for something short of violence to settle matters.

<----Old Hippie.
Yes, but what if the people involved directly in that storyline like and enjoy the conflict and the violence that comes with it? Certainly Valis revelled in the violent nature that he unleashed upon several victims as he notes in his final story. Should that not be up to them to decide without interference? Its their role play, not ours.

And YES I would have thought the live beheadment of a character is BADASS! More of that please... :thumbup:

Phaen Grey

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Many RP guilds on Cats, have their characters lives held in the balance of the story. Clive in recent history, has also had a character permanently killed due to the outcome of RP. Va'lis is to be commended for holding true to the story and not watering it down to save a playable character. I've conducted and participated in several funerals for characters permanently dying in our community since I joined it from Napavalley.

Permanent death is uncommon to occur, but not unheard of in Cats RP.


Crazed Zealot
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I would have gladly had Aneirin die that fateful day in Umbra. If Calli hadn't insisted on saving me, that would have been the outcome.

Sometimes, good roleplaying needs real consequences, and the normal game mechanics don't offer that.

I'll still miss Va'l though... he was, like the mushroom, a fun guy!


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Permanent death is uncommon to occur, but not unheard of in Cats RP.
Oh I know, back in the day, we killed off plenty of character --- before the days of name change tokens, at that. However, I must say that rarely was this done with a prominent primary character. That's why I revel in Valis' "hard core-ness" hahahaha. :party:

Aedon Durreah

Village of Aegis
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Yes, but what if the people involved directly in that storyline like and enjoy the conflict and the violence that comes with it? Certainly Valis revelled in the violent nature that he unleashed upon several victims as he notes in his final story. Should that not be up to them to decide without interference? Its their role play, not ours.

And YES I would have thought the live beheadment of a character is BADASS! More of that please... :thumbup:

Me thinks this woman likes blood.

Killing your character off permanently is a private matter, and should be thought out well before doing so. Those who undertake this move, I believe should think things through fully before doing so.

Va'lis made a choice in the moment that I do hope serves him well. I am sure that being able to walk into a town without always feeling the point of a blade at his back helped to prompt his choice.

The beheading was not badass by the way. Execution of another should never be seen as a great event, but a sorrowful conclusion to a life.

I applaud Va'lis as a roleplayer, I do not applaud, or cheer his characters death.

And I still want all his stuff.