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Last nights event.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hello everyone,

I work graveyard, 3am to 11am, so I rarely make an event. I did make it last night and found the people there mostly rude jerks. Is this how all our events turn out? I seen more people from other shards then from Napa. Its a wonder that our EM's even show up. I think that all events should be in fel, so at least we can kill the people who act like that.



Grand Inquisitor
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Wasn't even posted here so people would know on our Napa Board :(... I never rec'd any info on it from anyone... for if I do & I see it hasn't been posted I post it. And I do not go to the EM site like many other do not. IMO events need to be posted on the Shards Main Stratics page, that is where players look, not in other places. Not all have the time to read in numerous places.


I have only been to one event so far. It was the latest Archery tournament. I did find some people to be quite rude. But for the most part people were pretty nice. I couldn't attend last nights event because I don't have the SA expansion yet. I think the main problem is that EM's can't do anything about the way players act and treat people. I bet they would get rid of people if they could.

But another problem when they run events they never report it on stratics. So unless you check around in the game for lanterns and other junk laying on the ground, you'll never know an event is going on.


I knew about it even though I couldn't attend. I check the EM board
at least once a day as I know they will post the EM events there. I do not
know why it is not posted on Napa's forum also. They used to be in days long
gone. Isn't that why we have reporters also? Not a flame just a question.

I do think though if they are posting events only on EM event board,
they need to give us more than 24 hour notice.


Trust me.. you did NOT want to be there. Watching that mess last night was ridiculous! This might be just a game but we are ppl. The EMs are REAL ppl too. With a reception like last night, I am surprised we have EMs at all. You try to participate but you have 10 other ppl typing a bunch of junk out in the open. Do we have all the 20+ and under kids on this shard or what? It seems the EMs were trying to get ideas for the progression of the event from us... but how? Obviously, the event was to see who could be the most ignorant. I wonder if Fio & Sang will be handing out body sashes to them? For their undying participation in assisting to make this shard a bigger joke than it already is... (i.e. multiple idiots farming a free robe from a statue and taking it to Atlantic and trying to sell it for 40 mil)? Everyone says Napa is the easiest place to get EM items. Gee... if that is the mentality of 90% of the players, I wonder why...

Someone said how ppl were just sitting at Castle British last night. OK... so WHY didn't that person let ppl know where the gate was? I ran over there myself and directed ppl to the gate. Events are meant to be fun and participation makes it fun. There is absolutely no community here any longer. Heck, I see you ppl type here but I don't recognize anyone from the beginning of this shard except for maybe a handful of you. I don't ever remembering this shard being as bad as it is now. Yes, I have always pretty much kept to myself. If participation will make this a better shard, I am all for it.

Fel events to kill ppl? What would be the point? All you ppl that group together will just bounce on anyone that turns grey. Kind of defeats the purpose... or was that the intent? To ensure the "cliques" have all the fun? Think of how much better it would be if WE'd kill everyone that didn't belong... everyone from different shards... and not one another? WE could actually enjoy OUR events. BUT... I think that is just a little too complicated for the mentality of nearly everyone on this shard. So thanks to everyone that makes the Napa gaming experience as... "special"... as a knife in the shorts. Keep going until we are another Drach... woot, woot!


Slightly Crazed
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Stratics Legend
Fel events to kill ppl? What would be the point? All you ppl that group together will just bounce on anyone that turns grey. Kind of defeats the purpose... or was that the intent? To ensure the "cliques" have all the fun?
You may not know me. But I'm napa valley player for the last 10 years or so. I rarely PvP, but I do live in Fel most of the time (have a vendor house in luna). I'm not one to ban together to jump one person, but I would have loved to been in a fel ruleset last night. I may have died once I turned gray, but I would have killed some of the "JO's" last night.

As for my intent, it's to stop people from making asses of themselves. Even if that has to be done by force.



You may not know me. But I'm napa valley player for the last 10 years or so. I rarely PvP, but I do live in Fel most of the time (have a vendor house in luna). I'm not one to ban together to jump one person, but I would have loved to been in a fel ruleset last night. I may have died once I turned gray, but I would have killed some of the "JO's" last night.

As for my intent, it's to stop people from making asses of themselves. Even if that has to be done by force.

No offense meant, Tom. I know "of" you well enough and have seen you here/there on/off for a very long time.

Yes, I see your point. I am simply commenting on how things used to be. Back in the day, you didn't kill just to kill... not really. It was a bit different then. There was more... uhh... I don't know... honor (??) to it then instead of auto-attacking a grey with 10 ppl (unless that darn pesky thief bungled your pack). A way of UO life so-to-speak because it was only Fel. You didn't kill everybody all the time. These green beans don't get that because they weren't here and UO is very clique-y now. People no longer interact just to interact with people. Felucca is just a place to kill and loot trapped boxes. All but 1 of my houses are in Fel. I love Fel... just miss those good days of hanging at Serp's bank and fighting outside Covetous or in Deceit. OH... and being able to PK in absolutely NO armor... *sighs* :thumbup1:


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I am glad I wasn't there last night... I typically miss EM events due to being in Hawaii, so I concentrate my (minimal) game time on events on the weekends and late in the evenings when I have the energy.

I have been saying it for a while... Napa is a farm for the cross-sharding merchants.... sad... but true. Only we... the players... can change that mentality. Only we have the ability to make things different. Yammering on about it on Stratics is not the place though. Great for venting... but no real action comes of it...

Unless WE do something.

I have ideas - but I'm (physically and mentally) tired of blowing steam into forums and fan sites... so now I just act. I do things. Come do things with me!
See the Calendar forum up there?
Make an event or host something, and post it up there. Set a date - set a time.

I know the EMs read this... is it POSSIBLE for them to post events in the calendar forum? Its so very true that many players don't go roaming around stratics - they get lost sometimes (took me years to find the housing forum).

Gus of Llanowar

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

I know the EMs read this... is it POSSIBLE for them to post events in the calendar forum? Its so very true that many players don't go roaming around stratics - they get lost sometimes (took me years to find the housing forum).
theres a housing forum? second last night if anyone noticed that there was about 12- 15 people there all from the same guild wearing newbie robes. they were all riding horses they picked up from the stables there in new haven also. i was there for the event under one of my other characters and if any of the EM's want my professional opinion then all the events that end with some sort of a rare item need to involve alot of action with killing creatures with looting rights to get an item. that will stop all the newbs that might start with 50 magery 50 eval and a nice pretty purple robe from standing in line and running to atlantic once there guild gets 15 items for each of the people there then transfer them to atlantic to rip someone off at 40 mil a pop till everyone finds out that napa gave one to everyone. geez people wonder why certain aspects of the game are fading and them theirselves are the ones responsible. bah whatever i guess i left myself open for some punk 16 y/o kid to come in and say how im complainging but whatever when your mom stops paying for your accounts and your transfers then we can talk.


doesn't EM's have comand keys?
-like lock down charcter
-send to prison

and so on?


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The vendor house at the south exit? The one that hasn't been updated in a year...or two...?
No, not the one by the south exit. The one by the north exit with was updated everyday for the last 2 weeks. Thanks


They should have called a GM or something on him.
If EM's need to call a GM to deal with an event then EA needs to change some rules.

GM's move around from site to site they may not even see the query until the event is over.


btw - I think I seen the =K command use once. at least that is what I think it is/was.

it looked like a broad blade crossing over the character and boom dead.


I was opening gates from Luna to Brit castle and while at the event opening gates beside Luna gate.
I was also annoyed and offended by all that I saw going on.