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Last night's event



Ok! So we died a lot and got very little, that's no big deal. Some of us received a drop. That was cool.
But what was the purpose of the event? Did we save the Gargoyle Queen or lands? Did we save the sea creatures? What did we accomplish as a community? Sure would be nice to know. :bored:

BTW, I still need a 120 Tactics, Anatomy and Healing scroll. :D

five oclock

shame less plug for the scrolls...But I like it :p LoL..

Lady Mana

Ok! So we died a lot and got very little, that's no big deal. Some of us received a drop. That was cool.
But what was the purpose of the event? Did we save the Gargoyle Queen or lands? Did we save the sea creatures? What did we accomplish as a community? Sure would be nice to know. :bored:

BTW, I still need a 120 Tactics, Anatomy and Healing scroll. :D
From what I gathered (I only witnessed 3/4 of it), Maya was helping to figure out what was wrong with the aquatic life in Ter Mur. Samples were gathered by us (to keep), but I take it Maya also took her own samples and will be researching the incident further. Her and the gargoyle will likely work on it together (possibly in a competitive manner). Sharing one's resources of knowledge is just one of the benefits both kingdoms can reap from our alliance with one another, and undoubtedly they'll reach some conclusion in the near future.


From what I gathered (I only witnessed 3/4 of it), Maya was helping to figure out what was wrong with the aquatic life in Ter Mur. Samples were gathered by us (to keep), but I take it Maya also took her own samples and will be researching the incident further. Her and the gargoyle will likely work on it together (possibly in a competitive manner). Sharing one's resources of knowledge is just one of the benefits both kingdoms can reap from our alliance with one another, and undoubtedly they'll reach some conclusion in the near future.
Ok that makes sense. And I would venture to guess that it will end in some kind of war due to the way they treated each other last night.

Lady Mana

Yeah, you never know... he might pull a Morwenna on us and be all evil in the end! Hehe.

Salya Sin

Honestly... there has been several times that one of the EM's have had connection issues... but they only comment on them when they are themselves. During scenarios... like the blackrock/fire ruby turn in with Casca (Casca kept getting booted), they try to blend it into the story. I wouldn't be surprised if Gorn didn't return due to a technical malfunction. Although, I may just be biased... I don't want to fight the gargoyles!!


We will probably end up fighting the Gargoyles. After all we humans cannot get along with anyone or anything including ourselves.