I really like the new expansion and greatly enjoyed the ability to 'test' before release. I don't think I spent much time at all on regular shards all week (and stayed up WAY too late on several occasions - D'Oh!). i think I saw a good portion of the content, and only wish i had more time to explore (Fel/PVP in particular).
I reported two bugs and made a few suggestions.
I tried the enhanced client as much as I could, but it'll take me a while still to be completely sold on the idea of permanently switching. If I had the ability to 'undock' the map from the main play window and move it over to my second monitor I'd be mostly happy. The only other thing that is holding me back is macro creation and applying my default macros to new characters. It sure became apparent how much I value having MY default setup for new characters for the desktop, skill grouping, options, and macros - especially on test having created many many new characters and being frustrated each time that i had to copy everything over istead of it being just ready to go as my preferred defaults (time to learn some xml I suppose).
Yes - I did like the Make X amount n the classic crafting menu.
I did most of my Imbuing testing with a Gargoyle character, at my own home next to a crafted Soulforge, with ArmsLore 100 and ItemID 100 (if that matters). Several items occasionally produced two Enchanted Essence from an unravel. I couldn't figure out how to optimize skills/steps to always produce two. ItemID never reported the ability to return two, it always said the standard "You conclude that item will magically unravel into: Enchanted Essence". I didn't spend any testing time doing the same for Magical Residue items, but I'm guessing it may be the same and sometimes produce more than one from an unravel?
I appreciate the attempt to make ItemID useful, and it's value will truly only be good for me for non-artifact items. It seems that you need the appropriate Imbuing skill level in order for ItemID to work and display what an unravel will produce. "Your Imbuing skill is not high enough to identify the imbuing ingredient". Magical Residue = 0, Enchanted Essence = 50.1, Relic Fragment = 95.1. For artifact items, I imagine it's only a matter of time before a comprehensive list of artifact unravel production is available for referencing. yay - yet another cheatsheet. For pricing, I'm gonna guess 10,000 for magical residue - 100,000 for Enchanted Essence and 1,000,000 for relic Fragment? Everyone seems to stick to round numbers in general, and only time will tell.
I hope a smaller Soulforge is available - it'll be a pain to try and squeeze one into a 7x7 house. Did/Does a smaller craftable player housing placeable version other than the 4x4 exist, kinda like the ones at TerMur bank?
Nightsight property imbuing seemed expensive, 5 Magical Residue - 10 Tourmaline - 10 White Pearl?
I can understand the inability to bond the new 'mechanical pets' - Clockwork Scorpion - Leather Wolf - Gargoyle Pet, but I was hoping to be able to bond a Chicken Lizard, but did not seem to be able to do so.
I'm happy to see the new 'Moulding Board', but only wish that it provided the ability to use for cooking. I am bit sad as I do currently own one, and it's value will now be next to nothing. I'd love to see it be able to be used for cooking, and even perhaps give a bonus to cooking - similar to a basket of herbs.
I think i made one of most of everything, except the (Masonry) Bed and Cot - I just couldn't find enough time to mine the stone needed (100 each). Would be nice to have a 'give stone' on test and get a stone/sand spawner, tools and 'how to craft books'.
The Town Invasion (?halfway?) through the week wasn't expected, and mainly seemed to me to primarily be an annoyance for my testing - i do hope others found it valuable.
Being on a somewhat slower DSL connection sure made it painful for the patching at 300MB+.
I agree with the thank you to anyone who posted data - its been alot to absorb in a week, and i know i missed alot and or glanced over. Lots to read up on and think about optimizing for my current playstyle.