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[Discussion] Larger Checks.



Everybody knows larger checks have always been an issue between players and the game running team. Lately I have been playing with an idea in my head and I decided to share it. I could have posted in Uhall, but I thought this community may give a better feedback.

Larger checks with Lifespan.

- Bankers will sell checks of 10, 50, 100mil with a Lifespan of 2, 3 or 7 days at most.
- Players owning those checks could turn them back into regular 1mil checks as long as they have room in their bank either by doubleclicking them in bank or by selling back to bankers.
- Players trading those checks would see the Lifespan timer in trade window and can refuse one with time limit too low.
- Maybe player vendors could absorb these checks aswell, one way or another.

Of course this system implies players have to be a bit careful about the timer, but if that worked for xfer I don't see why it shouldn't work swell.
I think this would be a hard blow to scammers, an ease for players handling their finances and still keep the item count and economy the same on the long run.
I also believe this system would be easy to implement ingame so Devs, Please think about it !


Stratics Veteran
Hard blow to scammers? Maybe - not my thing.
Keep item count & economy steady? Maybe, again too many variables.
Handling Finances? - Not a chance will I ever turn my gold to a timed bomb.

You can already trade upto a 100m through a vendor - dont see a need why I should risk having 2 50m checks with a fuse attached.

If you are purchasing something more than a 100 then you really should know the owner, ie I trade through vendors - multiple 100m purchases - then get the house for example from the owner.

I have done this many times with no issues.

Risky too but my preference would be with vendors than these checks.


Beauty of the system is that if you don't like it you don't have to use it.
Just go ahead use a vendor like you say and trust whoever you want, noone would force you to buy ticking checks.

I'm saying that for those people that are looking for speed and safer trades, there should be an option, not just the one available today "oh, give all your money to someone and maybe they'll give you the item/house afterwards".

I was comparing this with the transfer system, maybe you never used it yet. Now there's a ticking bomb. I myself once transferred stuff more than 6 billion worth, and if I somehow forgot to claim the goods in the 7-day grace period it would have all go down the drain. But I certainly always trust more myself to be careful with my own stuff than other players. (Maybe you should ask yourself why you feel the opposite).

jack flash uk

Crazed Zealot
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Stratics Legend
Or an idea about safe trading high value goods, example

i have a vendor with 1billion gold on it (i wish)

player selling an item worth 300m, he sells it to my vendor and he gets a 300m token ( trade gump etc accept/decline, all details in gump, like normal trade etc), which, he takes home and "cashes" in on his/her vendor, acct bound rules apply, that way large amounts of "gold" can be safely exchanged as it were, and a virtual transaction takes place. this item is then, NOT FOR SALE for a given time, the new owner freely collects items from vendor, or it goes to removal crate after 1hr or so to avoid storage exploiters!

stops buying apples and stuff for 100's of millions etc, of course, safe traders are not an issue at all, but saves transfering from vendor to bank, bagging up, storage issues in one simple transaction :)


Stratics Veteran
All good ideas.

I am not against it.

The fuse is my problem.

Do the system, not time out my cash would be my choice.


Well, point is larger checks have been a long-time issue. Players have been demanding them for a long time, developers have their reasons not to implement them. I myself am not happy about current situation. But I do understand the developers's reasons.
I hoped this idea could help them implement something that would solve the problem without doing more harm to the game. I have been talking to Manti and the problem got deeper and deeper until it seemed the effort to develop something like this and make it safe may surpass the benefits.
So I guess this wasn't such a good idea as I thought it was.
(not about the system itself, but about it's effect on the game).


UO Relic

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I have often thought they could come out with a book that could hold checks. Kinda like that pink book available from xmas gifts.

Say book could hold 25 checks - so could be 25M stored in a book. That would allow us to trade books for purchasing larger items. Safe and reliable trades that way.

Have little knowledge on how things are duped and not interested in learning but wonder if they tried, wouldnt it dupe the book but hopefully not the contents of said book.

Just a thought and the game mechanics are already in place due to that pink book already being released.


Rares Fest Host | LS April 2011
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I dont like the big check with a timer idea, but the Book holding 25 checks is nice.

If the problem is the possibly duping, a SOT book with 300 sots inside worths considerably more than a book with 25 checks.

Anyway, only way to do suggestions is using: Feedback | Mythic Entertainment | Ultima Online

I know the devs read those suggestions / bug reports.


Rares Fest Host | Ches Jan 2011
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Ya if they made it available to make a ten million gold check and just make it a different color that would make things allot easier in this game. Lets face it when they designed the 1 million cap on checks gold went allot longer and wasnt a issue back then, but just like anything else things have evolved.