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[Selling] Large mix of holiday, anniversary & gift items on Siege


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
I've accumulated a bunch of random stuff on Siege, looking to sell it as a set. Want Atlantic gold as payment.

There are some doubles as listed below.

Included is:

14th anniversary ticket
A holiday gift ticket
Staff of Sparkles 2010
Happy Valentines Day 2013 Roses
Happy Holidays 2014 box
2015 gift token
2016 gift token
16th anniversary gift bag
17th anniversary gift bag
20th anniversary gift bag
21st anniversary gift bag
21st anniversary gift bag
Pillow container (with iron chairs & table)
Pillow container (with iron chairs & table)
Enchanted Wheelbarrow
Enchanted Wheelbarrow

Best offer!



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