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Laptop Charger question...



I bought a cheap replacement charger for my laptop because I kinked up the old one and broke a wire. Stripped it down and soldered it but thought I would get an extra just for the heck of it.

All specs are the same except the input amperage is 2.3. My old one was 1.5A.

It works but I was just curious if there will be any problems down the road with the amp difference or if I should be OK since its rated higher.




two words fire hazard, seriously get the right charger and don't use the frayed one or the incorrect amperage one. AC power is fairly forgiving for a few hours or possibly longer but there is a grave danger in what you are doing


Thanks for reply.

Its all good. I called Toshiba. This charger is fine to use. It draws more power in, but output volts and amps are the same.
