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[Discussion] Lanterns at Silent Auction


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I'm curious, where are the lanterns in bags from Silent Auction at Rares fest come from?

Bag 1 contains Lanterns with these names:

Bag 2 contains Lanterns with these names:
The Fist Companion: Hatred
The Second Companion: Cowardice
The Third Companion: Falsehood
A Vibrant Light from Cpt. Johne's Wrecked Ship: The Ararat

Curious to see where these are from before bidding


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simple, illegal creations
what do you think about the ararat one? i know kryonis mentioned that not all the ararat stealables / eastereggs had been found yet, wondering if this could be one of them


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I know a few people who've been trying to crack Ararat since day 1, and none has found this lantern... I'd guess it's trying to play on the hype. As cool as I think the dungeon lanterns are, I'm putting them in the same class as the valentine's day cakes for now. I'd like to see some info - any info - on how either of these sets came to be before I continue bidding.


Crazed Zealot
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its all very simple, all of these never seen or heard before items came from one seller who represents the actual owner. What are the chances that none of us have heard of them before or remember seeing them at an event before? (The odds of a Dexter getting an event item is probably greater LOL) Between Nails and myself and a few others we've attended 99.9% of all events last year and previous years and none of us have heard of these things. Mesanna may call them legal that's because to her its an isolated question on one particular item but if she gets another email about 4 lots of never-been-seen before items being sold by the same person then.......................;)

Ok, so if you say it was accidentally unlocked and stolen by the player, yes I can see that from time to time by a player and a random item here and there (this happened to me and few others I know). But all these items to the same player? Really? Even the famous thief Shinobi can't pull this off.


Social Distancing Since '97
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what do you think about the ararat one? i know kryonis mentioned that not all the ararat stealables / eastereggs had been found yet, wondering if this could be one of them
Keep in mind, Ararat and the whole story behind it existed before the content was added into UO. It could have simply been created by using Ultima Lore.

Of course, all of these undocumented items coming from 1 person IS kind of odd >.>

And ya know, if they WERE just picked up because an EM forgot to lock them down, is it so hard to say so? "Yea I got them when the EM on HerpaDerpa Land forgot to lock them down".
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Always Present
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Assia Penryn good catch on the misspellings, I didn't look that closely at them and assumed they'd been given out during my period of inactivity. Since I don't collect lanterns I pay little attention to them at all aside from saying "oh that's pretty" sometimes LOL.
I appreciate being informed by people like Manticore or Promathia or Nails Warstein about things that I may have missed, and things that should not exist. Anything that is misnamed we know for a fact was not made by Mesanna unless it's a typo. Hyloth instead of Hythloth is not a typo, it's a mispronunciation and ignorance of the game. Frankly anyone who cannot spell Hythloth correctly shouldn't be an EM but don't get me started....

Anyway, if it was just "picked up" or stolen because "EM HerpaDerpa" didn't place them correctly I'd think the person selling it would have come forward and said that. Instead they are remaining silent and letting Sapphire take the heat for them. If I were Sapphire I would remove my name from these items and have the seller come forward, or keep his crap.

Sadly though, I see that people are bidding on these items anyway. I hope the rest of the outstanding rares community steps up and declares these things worthless.

Multi Dwagon

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Oh, Dirty EM's. I know some people who actually bought some none released items from a family member of a EM(s)(CASH). I can't give any name out, coz it's we ain't allowed to give out information about corruption within our own game.

I own some none released items myself, and I know some people who owns some as well.


Rares Fest Host | LS April 2011
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These items were probably "unlocked" on LS, not surprising at all.