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[Fishing] Lantern Fish


Colorblind Collector
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Stratics Legend
Can people tell me where their special spot was when they got this fish? I've been at this for many hours and it just seems like i'm doing something wrong. No other fish has given me even a quarter this much trouble. Plenty of Crystal fish but the Lantern is i think extinct.

Mr Bug

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
There is no special spot in Prism of Light to get that fish. The only fishable spots are the 3 crappy ones in the river area and those fish out fast. If anyone on the dev team listens they will grant access to the lake in the healer camp and put up some docks. I've only pulled up one lantern fish and that was about it for me. Good luck and happy fishing!

The Albatross/ Lord Aphid LS

LanternFish.png picture by mrbug1 - Photobucket


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
There are alot more spots than the three at the river area. But again this is easiest with two accounts, or a really bored friend.

I set one account up with a necro swords in vamp form wielding a demon slayer 100% cold kryss. I put him in the demon spawn area just above the river so all the hydras and serpents aggro him. He makes short work of any demons that target him. The demons spawn all over that area and eventually they all spawn off screen from my necro.

Then I run my fisher on a second account up and down the river fishing. The noxious gas only activates if you are standing right on the edge of the river. So stand a few tiles back and cast on the edge. As long as your fisherman isnt closer to the serpents and hydras than the necro, they will stay focused on the necro and leave your fisherman alone.

Muu Bin

Good point Kylie... but no where in his post did Gheed mention multiboxing... he may have two separate computers running the different accounts...


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Not two computers but two monitors. That paticular response that was linked is clear as mud but it was posted at a time when folks were using a third party app to simultaniously use multiple accounts at once. For example someone logging into 5 accounts and pressing a single key to cast flamestrike on all 5 accounts targeting a single player. So I took it as "dont do that".

Still the statement is wide open to to interpretation. My method does require actually playing both accounts. You can't rely on the necro to auto defend and of course your fisherman has to move around alot, fish and sort inventory. But with dual monitors it is easy to click/activate a screen and tend to whichever char is in need.

It wasn't long ago that you couldn't even log into two accounts on a single computer. Now it is allowed with the "not supported" disclaimer. So I have a hard time accepting the decision to allow you to log into two accounts at once but face being banned if you actually do it.

Honestly I rarely play a single account anymore. Even when I am fishing for quests I have at least two accounts active. It is very easy to tend them both during the fishing delay. Regardless I'll stop posting about it.

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
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There is a difference between dual clienting and multiboxing. The circumstance Gheed describes is not against the rules. Both characters are visible and attended. Neither is running an unattended macro.

Kylie Kinslayer

Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
Oh i see. Sorry to sound the alarm for no reason, just hate seeing folks get themselves into trouble when they are only trying to be helpful. Am glad there was no way that could have happened here. I have honestly never thought of two monitors duhhh. May need to look into that, would make keying that area easier too :)

With my limited computer knowledge I may need to go pick up that "complete idiots" guide tho :D


Colorblind Collector
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I use the same tactic but i do use 2 different computers. I agree there are more spots to fish than just 3 but i still think something has happened since the last publish to fishing. Has anyone gotten one since the publish?