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@Kyronix, @Mesana, Devs PLEASE fix these for Pub 100.


Crazed Zealot
It has been one year since the pet revamp and pets with Chiv still get large amounts of damage from collateral spawn after they have cast EoO. Also when Chiv pets fight one creature, they keep casting Holy Light. Are these bugs, or intended? Can you Fix the EoO item? That is vital to a lot of users of Chiv pets. PLEASE fix the artificial intelligence on this very important item : CHIV.

Also: There are necro pets that had buggy corpse skin casts, thank you for trying to fix this also.

Other posters : PLEASE post what other bugs, misdirected planning and omissions from coding here.
Your input is also greatly appreciated.

Devs thank you for all your efforts and your hard work. We all really appreciate what you are doing.
Also thanks to all the tamer testers here. Your work without pay is priceless, and massively appreciated!

Keep up all the great work team! Strong work!

Tabby Kapak

Stratics Veteran
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Campaign Benefactor
Do you mean you want the pets not to cast EoO when in an area with various hostile mobs? Seems somewhat tricky to determine the limits then? Or to make EoO be without drawback? Cause if the latter, we disagree. Sure it would be comfy, but that must be as intended since it has been the same for players since Chivalry was introduced? Has been a double edged sword since the start.


Stratics Veteran
It has been one year since the pet revamp and pets with Chiv still get large amounts of damage from collateral spawn after they have cast EoO. Also when Chiv pets fight one creature, they keep casting Holy Light. Are these bugs, or intended? Can you Fix the EoO item? That is vital to a lot of users of Chiv pets. PLEASE fix the artificial intelligence on this very important item : CHIV.
Their mob AI is very similar and very random, Chiv works the same way. Abilities firing randomly.

Increased damage is fine with EoO. We have done doom with two tamers with Chiv pets. Do you know how many adds are spawned on the Dark Father encounter? Alot. Do you know what wasnt an issue? Pets dying. Similar to the new Roof encounter, EoO would only perhaps be an issue with Skeletal Dragon spawns. Holy Light is so little mana, it's not an issue either.

If they want to fix AI in general that's one thing. But then expect a pet nerf.


Crazed Zealot
I hear you Khael. Maybe its working as intended for CHIV. Was just wondering if there could be some modification that would allow for less collateral damage from EoO..Maybe not, esp if it will mess the present AI of the CHIV spec.

Another bug tho, if it is a bug, is a big one:
Many veteran/expert players and posters here have had some exposure to "pet gone wild" issue, where there was no loss of line of sight, invisi, no starving the pet, no loring the pet .. etc.
That could mean that you can STILL lose the bane you bought for 150 M, then spent another XXX M to scroll, not to mention spent hours to train. How appropriate is to lose a pet like this? AND to add insult to injury for instance the bane cannot be retaimed : You need to beat it to submission down to 10-20% its life, and not kill it. Not an easy task if it fights you back with its reved up stats scrolls and Lethal Poison passive attack.
Or lose that pet paragon color Cu thats worth 1.5 PLAT due to going wild?
And all the effort, time and expense you put into the pet?
Is there a way to fix this issue? Remove the pet going completely wild, but allow the pet to be still bonded to you and not fight or obey your commands I can see. But LOSE the pet that has been trained? NO!!
Answer : Any pet that has been TRAINED change the code for it NOT to ever go wild?
How does that sound?
( Its not a myth that pets have gone wild without obvious reasons, esp in some areas.)
Will appreciate input, and also any other issues that need to be repaired.

Kylie Kinslayer

Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
This is the main reason I avoid Chiv unless I am building a pet for a specific high end single mob (ie roof, Lady Mel, Ape etc)... The Cu specifically loves to cast EoO when surrounded by multiple different mobs and will hardly ever cast it when on a solo critter where no other spawn is around...

not sure what they can do to actually "fix" the AI though... but then again, I ain't a computer guru lol

Also, @Khaelor ... I would be interested to know how many folks were healing/vetting/bard songs/running consume on those Cu's at the same time though? Or was it just two mere mage/tamers? Have tried a Chiv/Cu on DF several times only to watch them die a quick death due to the swarm..


Stratics Veteran
This is the main reason I avoid Chiv unless I am building a pet for a specific high end single mob (ie roof, Lady Mel, Ape etc)... The Cu specifically loves to cast EoO when surrounded by multiple different mobs and will hardly ever cast it when on a solo critter where no other spawn is around...

Also, @Khaelor ... I would be interested to know how many folks were healing/vetting/bard songs/running consume on those Cu's at the same time though? Or was it just two mere mage/tamers? Have tried a Chiv/Cu on DF several times only to watch them die a quick death due to the swarm..
They weren't CU, we use two fire steeds (I don't even have a CU on my main tamer presently, don't tell @Pawain). Myself, a spellweave tamer with 120 vet and a necro tamer (@Khyro) with spellweave and no vet. Neither of us use consume, as dark father is even damage types, just too big of a mana drain for the return. I do the vetting (I do little magery healing on the encounter). Khyro rotated between add control, nuking dark father and then some spot healing. And of course neither horse likes to stand next to the other so I have to constantly move to vet while asking the Dark Father to stop looking at me. We have also juggled two dark fathers with that setup.
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I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I don't even have a CU
I dont have a built Nightmare or Steed on any toon. :p Just 1 base pet of each. They give massages to the real pets in the stable. But I have posted pics of my Chiv pets surrounded at spawns. Dont need any Dev involvement. Just need players knowing how to use their pets.

Id rather have the abilities that dont work fixed. Some will be soon.

Its much easier for a small group in Doom rather than a large group running all over the place. Draw one off and find the sweet spot where they wont bounce. Spawn dies from fear when they look at a Cu that is taunting them with 45 poison resist. But it is easier to use Lessers, they dont have bleed.
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Stratics Veteran
I dont have a built Nightmare or Steed on any toon. :p Just 1 base pet of each. They give massages to the real pets in the stable. But I have posted pics of my Chiv pets surrounded at spawns. Dont need any Dev involvement. Just need players knowing how to use their pets.

Id rather have the abilities that dont work fixed. Some will be soon.

Its much easier for a small group in Doom rather than a large group running all over the place. Draw one off and find the sweet spot where they wont bounce. Spawn dies from fear when they look at a Cu that is taunting them with 45 poison resist. But it is easier to use Lessers, they dont have bleed.
When you have two, you have to let them bounce almost always, thanks to the second one always wanting to run over and see what's happening. But you can also make them bounce when there is multiple

Do you ever use anything other than CU and hiryus?~


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Giant and Fire beetle. Naj for Zippy. Reptalon and other things when goofing off. Making some non mount pets for my archer.

I think I started disliking horses when I made a Goo/AI steed and I kept saying, "Look my horse is shooting Goo out of its nose" Over and over.
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Crazed Zealot
Another bug: Or is it working as intended?

==Magery Mastery==

Do you guys think this should be fixed a little bit?
such as the pet:
--Not to cast protection on itself, and debuff itself.
--Not to cast heal on the enemy itself as other tamers related.
Should they or could they make its artificial intelligence a little better?
What do you think?

Deadly Serious

Stratics Veteran
Another bug: Or is it working as intended?

==Magery Mastery==

Do you guys think this should be fixed a little bit?
Magic Reflection I believe you meant (not protection), certainly has it's uses it PvP from what I can see on uoguide, correct me if i'm wrong because I don't PvP.

I think Mage Mastery on pets is the go to option for PvP only, if you want the pet tailored to be strong in PvE you shouldn't upgrade from Magery, I myself am not happy with Magery Mastery against monsters as keeping them with Magery they seem to heal themselves a lot more and ofc they don't lose their physical resist, anyway I see the whole thing as working as intended.

On main topic - ye the Chiv AoE has to be addressed and it needs to cast more Divine Fury and Consecrate Weapon
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Crazed Zealot
Magic Reflection I believe you meant (not protection), certainly has it's uses it PvP from what I can see on uoguide, correct me if i'm wrong because I don't PvP.

I think Mage Mastery on pets is the go to option for PvP only, if you want the pet tailored to be strong in PvE you shouldn't upgrade from Magery, I myself am not happy with Magery Mastery against monsters as keeping them with Magery they seem to heal themselves a lot more and ofc they don't lose their physical resist, anyway I see the whole thing as working as intended.

On main topic - ye the Chiv AoE has to be addressed and it needs to cast more Divine Fury and Consecrate Weapon
A pet can have both full magery and magery mastery? If so do they cast all magery spells also? Or just the magery mastery spells only? They do cast a spell that debuffs the pet. I think you are correct, also about the Cus. I hope they don't mess the Cus when/if they try to fix their frequency of AoE..

Deadly Serious

Stratics Veteran
A pet can have both full magery and magery mastery? If so do they cast all magery spells also? Or just the magery mastery spells only? They do cast a spell that debuffs the pet. I think you are correct, also about the Cus. I hope they don't mess the Cus when/if they try to fix their frequency of AoE..
I'm a fan of the frequency of AoE too but the Cu will do it when there is only 1 extra "thing" nearby, this target doesn't even have to be hostile (it can be a cat or worse...a satyr). I want it to only prioritize holy light or start when 4 hostile, attacking creatures have surrounded the pet, this for me is the absolute minimum.

A pet can't have both Magery and Mage Mastery, when you acquire a pet with "Magery" you can choose to overlap it with Mastery for only 1 point spend. Mage Mastery is in a bit of a weird state if you ask me! For example, go and tame a Stygian Dragon, these things are exclusively Mage Mastery and let one hit you and check out what it's doing, you'll see an array of skills including Mana Vampire that I think is an improvement vs players.
In PvE Mastery is just lacking and incorrect, It will sometimes repeat cast Magic Reflection and basic attacking spells seem lost and are less frequent including far less frequency of Greater Heal, however randomly it will go for Death Ray which is fantastic.

My only conclusion, especially after letting a Stygian dragon hit me is that Mage Mastery puts an AI/certain skillset on the pet which is taliored toward PvP and for PvE I think it's only strong if the owner is the main tank but I think people will only be excited to do some templates and lose durability if the pet can be equipped with a slayer book!


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Magery Mastery has a few quirks. The afore mentioned Magic Reflection casting lowers their Physical Resist, while increasing their Elemental Resists, and they use it randomly. They'll cast Bless not on themselves, but on their opponent instead. Death Ray ends up being a DPS loss, because while channeling Death Ray, the pet will not perform it's regular melee attacks at all. Not to mention, if it gets hit while channeling Death Ray, it cancels the channel, and the Death Ray just ends up being a massive waste of Mana.
Magery Mastery pets love to Teleport to their enemy, and will cycle between E-Bolt and FS (MB if the opponent is strong against Fire, which MB is quite strong with a Serpentine Dragon's 1,030 INT), and at low mana they'll switch to using lower level damage spells as well as debuffs, and will attempt to Mana Vampire the opponent for Mana. Throughout all of this, they'll randomly cast Death Ray (which continues until they get hit or their Mana runs out), Magic Reflection and Bless their foe.


Crazed Zealot
Ty for info. Dont we all agree that they should fix all the negatives in the AI of magery mastery?