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Krampus is live?


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
I think it is!!

I've done a couple runs but haven't been ambushed yet. Get out there and post your findings!!



Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I didnt participate last yr but how does the krampus event work exactly ?


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
You run trade orders (actually need to run them and not use moongates). As more are run, the ambush spawn escalates until finally Krampus spawns. Trade Minister will yell out location when Krampus spawns


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You run trade orders (actually need to run them and not use moongates). As more are run, the ambush spawn escalates until finally Krampus spawns. Trade Minister will yell out location when Krampus spawns
Ok. So similar to some other trade runs.

I'll have to check it out. But krampus spawns more than just one time, right ?


Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Run 3 trade orders WITHOUT USING MOONGATES and you *should* get a drop when you fight Krampus, assuming you do enough damage. (I suggest canceling orders to the islands as they are a pain)

Krampus will spawn after ~20-25 trade orders have been run on the shard. You will know when he is getting close to spawning as the ambush spawn will become tougher cold-based creatures (no, these do not have to be killed) When you see minions, he's about to spawn. When he does, everyone with a trade order in their pack will get a message giving his coordinates. (Town Trade Ministers will also bark this). Krampus will spawn 5 minutes after the message goes out. He will be preceded by minion spawn.

Don't bother trying to fight him alone.

There are no new rewards on him this year, unless Mesanna was fibbing.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Run 3 trade orders WITHOUT USING MOONGATES and you *should* get a drop when you fight Krampus, assuming you do enough damage. (I suggest canceling orders to the islands as they are a pain)

Krampus will spawn after ~20-25 trade orders have been run on the shard. You will know when he is getting close to spawning as the ambush spawn will become tougher cold-based creatures (no, these do not have to be killed) When you see minions, he's about to spawn. When he does, everyone with a trade order in their pack will get a message giving his coordinates. (Town Trade Ministers will also bark this). Krampus will spawn 5 minutes after the message goes out. He will be preceded by minion spawn.

Don't bother trying to fight him alone.

There are no new rewards on him this year, unless Mesanna was fibbing.
Well, speaking of rewards... What are the current ones as currently known ?


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Thanks @Dot_Warner !! We just spawned him on Atlantic so I can confirm he is active!! I forgot all about the running trade orders thing... brought my mage to help and didn't get anything but remembered after the fact I had to run orders with him too... doh!



Crazed Zealot
Krampus looks like a Demon..Demon slayer works on the old turd or not? And would Sampire be better or archer Vs Tamer?

Kylie Kinslayer

Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
Krampus looks like a Demon..Demon slayer works on the old turd or not? And would Sampire be better or archer Vs Tamer?
I'm gonna go with a big ole no on the Demon slayer. I was hitting him for 6 with one. Did not last long enough to swap slayers to try another one :D

So I snagged the tamer instead. I will check back tomorrow to see if anyone calls a slayer.


Crazed Zealot
Yep..Did not see any info on uo-cah website or uo.com on slayer weapons. I suspect that as far as pets are concerned, a fire beetle with AP/RC would be nice there, plus a discorder to bring resists down, for a team will be likely needed. The rest of the stuff can be sampired, unsure about Krampus. Only tried pets on him last year. Would be nice if he had a slayer.
I think last year you had to have a minimum of 2 trade runs to get decent drop, and preferably 3 trade runs to get the better drops. Not sure what will be like this year..Did they announce the Krampus already?


Stratics Veteran
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Glorious Lord
You can't discord Krampus, number of trade runs make no different except after three you are guaranteed a drop.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
You can't discord Krampus, number of trade runs make no different except after three you are guaranteed a drop.
This is correct.

No official announcement of him starting but I think it's kind of like the artisan festival; they said it would be happening in December a month or 2 ago but didn't release anything saying it officially started on X day.


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
After running 3x trade route without using moongate, then what? How do you actually find the spawn?


Publishing Manager, Stratics Leadership
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Once enough people have run trades, the minister of trade will announce the coords of Krampus once he spawns, so if you're just turning in one, you won't be able to if he's already spawned.


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Once enough people have run trades, the minister of trade will announce the coords of Krampus once he spawns, so if you're just turning in one, you won't be able to if he's already spawned.
The trade minister says "The Royal Engineers have warned of a structure in danger of collapsing near a location in the wilderness at 59N 12' W.

Is this the coordinates or is this a IDOC?
I checked. It was an IDOC
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Publishing Manager, Stratics Leadership
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No that's an idoc, he'll say Krampus has appeared.

Watch the spawn when you do trades, they escalate like a regular champ spawn does before the boss.

frost spiders and frost ooze
snow elementals and Ice Elementals
frost trolls and ice serpents
white wyrms and ice fiends

Once the White Wyrms and Ice Fiends start appearing you know Krampus is close to spawning.

Kylie Kinslayer

Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
frost spiders and frost ooze
snow elementals and Ice Elementals
frost trolls and ice serpents
white wyrms and ice fiends
Is there a list that shows the differing levels of seas critters to show when he is close?


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
How is someone staying on a shard where the players do not yell out events in chat. We yell out, have gates, you can't miss Krampus.

Time to move Tabin.

Kylie Kinslayer

Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
How is someone staying on a shard where the players do not yell out events in chat. We yell out, have gates, you can't miss Krampus.

Time to move Tabin.
On Atlantic they yell out he has spawned when he has not lol.

But yeah, all you have to do is camp a trade minister after you do trade runs. Keep walking away and back up. Eventually you see the Krampus message. Then go to that area.. can use sextant to direct you if needed.


Publishing Manager, Stratics Leadership
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How is someone staying on a shard where the players do not yell out events in chat. We yell out, have gates, you can't miss Krampus.

Time to move Tabin.
Depends on when people are doing it and if someone wants to spend the time killing something for no reward.

Had someone on Origin yelling about Krampus last night when hardly anyone was on...*Are you all cowards?? Come kill Krampus*

That's not gonna make me rush out and help someone, especially if I am in the middle of something.

I don't care for the Krampus event, if I could tame one of his minions I would be a bit more interested ;)

But that event is not something I enjoy, but I did help kill him a LOT last year.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
We have enough new and returning players that do not have any rewards. There's a lot of Krampus rewards.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
On Atlantic they yell out he has spawned when he has not lol.

But yeah, all you have to do is camp a trade minister after you do trade runs. Keep walking away and back up. Eventually you see the Krampus message. Then go to that area.. can use sextant to direct you if needed.
You can also grab a trade box (after your third run) and just hold it until he spawns. When he spawns you get the message (pop up) and can simply cancel the trade order (if you want to recall). I've done this a couple times when I wanted to go to the bank rather than the docks


This is what I often do. That way you always know when he has spawned. As Pawain said, on LS we always broadcast the coordinates and someone will open a gate as soon as they get to the area. We work together. People too lazy to do the trade runs don't get a pack drop, but can get some corpse loot.

I tamed two quite nice frost drakes yesterday; both are better than anything I had previously. So frost drakes are definitely tameable.


Does krampus happen every year? Or have there been years it doesn’t activate ?

Trying to decide if I load up on frost drakes

Also, can you use the moon gates to get the 3 runs and guarantee a pack drop?
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Stratics Veteran
This is what I often do. That way you always know when he has spawned. As Pawain said, on LS we always broadcast the coordinates and someone will open a gate as soon as they get to the area. We work together. People too lazy to do the trade runs don't get a pack drop, but can get some corpse loot.

I tamed two quite nice frost drakes yesterday; both are better than anything I had previously. So frost drakes are definitely tameable.
You can get the coin purse as pack drop even with no trade runs. Happend to me yesterday


UO Forum Moderator
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Considering I got ZERO of the new rewards last year (only the older ones), I'm doing it on LA. I got a broken Wristwatch (first I'd actually seen).

A tip: If you don't like the sea spawn (they tended to insta-kill me before I could get a spell off the first year, even when at the lowest level for land spawn, despite being a fully trained mystic/weaver/mage or tamer), you can use a rowboat to get from the beach south of Honor shrine to Jhelom in about a minute, and the rowboat spawns the LAND spawn (just set a pet or summons down on the rowboat, steer south-southwest, and invis yourself as needed - you rarely get more than 2 of the big spawn aboard). It's easier to go overland to there and use the rowboat, than fool around with an actual ship, because if you get corpses on it, you can just leave it (and the deed will pop a fresh rowboat as needed elsewhere).

For Moonglow and New Mag, I just do those anyway to help the cities, using the moongates. It's not like they count AGAINST you - they just don't count for Krampus progression, and you can still have overland encounters.

In fact, according to dev statements in the past, since Krampus doesn't spawn on the water, they made it to where, once the correct number of shard-wide non-gate trade orders have been completed, Krampus' spawn point CAN be on someone doing one by using a gate for no credit. I even had it happen to me once a couple years ago, between New Mag gate and town. I had trouble getting people to believe me over chat, until they looked up the coordinates (and it was a brutal fight until they finally showed).


Stratics Veteran
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Glorious Lord
The sea spawn has become much nicer since the first year, they do not reveal and autoattack anymore so its rather safe to sail now.


Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Does krampus happen every year? Or have there been years it doesn’t activate ?

Trying to decide if I load up on frost drakes

Also, can you use the moon gates to get the 3 runs and guarantee a pack drop?
This is the third year for Krampus.

If you use moongates to deliver the trade orders, you do not earn credit. You still could get a drop based on the EM model, but its not guaranteed.

Tabby Kapak

Stratics Veteran
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Campaign Benefactor
Once the White Wyrms and Ice Fiends start appearing you know Krampus is close to spawning.
After the WW and the IF the next level is groups of those high HP Minions.

Is there a list that shows the differing levels of seas critters to show when he is close?
Our experience last year was that they don't differ in type of critters, but just the strength of them. And those huge HP Sea Serps blast a mean fire breath at ya so beware!


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Is Krampus done now? A few of us (on Napa) turned in over 25 trade orders and no Krampus sighting!

* Sorry - forgot to add that we're still getting the cold-themed spawn ambushers
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Belaern d'Zhaunil
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As long as the Trade Orders are still Gift Boxes it's still active


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Pretty sure the newsletter said krampus and ice dungeon were active until Jan. 15th
Probably midnight on that day .