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Korean government raids Blizzard over alleged Diablo III wrongdoing


Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Well looks like all the MMO's couldn't do what the Korean Goverment can do. Be the WoW killer :p I kid I kid. :D

Intersting that Blizzards stance on no refunds seem to bit them in the butt. Nice article Massively.

Korean government raids Blizzard over alleged Diablo III wrongdoing

by Justin Olivetti on May 30th 2012 3:30PM
Fantasy, Legal, Diablo III
Blizzard is on the hot seat as the Korean Fair Trade Commission raided the studio's Seoul office to gather evidence as to whether or not Blizzard violated the country's law. The FTC performed the raid due to allegations that Blizzard is refusing to refund players who purchased and were attempting to return Diablo III.

Dissatisfied customers who couldn't log into the game were denied a full refund by Blizzard, which said that it was under no obligation to do so under the game's contract. The studio claims that it has a strict policy of "no refunds" in the country if a product is used.

The players turned to the FTC for help, and the commission responded by launching an investigation. The investigation will sort through the seized documents and evidence to see if there is a possible violation of Korea's electronic commerce and commercial contracts law.

The FTC confirmed that it had received "many complaints" from Diablo III players, but did not comment further on the investigation. Blizzard has since vowed to increase server capacity, but is not budging on the refunds.