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(RP) Knee Deep: Magincian Council

Noble Beast

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
*notices posted at the Sea Witch, Berg Estate on Magincian soil, Lynne Zellinous''s abode, and various seedy brothels to catch Dante's attention*

Hail & Well Met, Illustrious Nobles of Magincia,

I have a trade proposal & request to meet with your most esteemed governing body, The Magincian Council. In short, I noticed the dung & refuge from our Village & had a thought. Thoughts do not come easily to me, mind you. I would love to add to the botanical beautification process that many of your citizens have maintained; the Gardens. I will discuss the details of the compost trade at your convenience. Thank you for your time.

Must humbly,
Dru the Hobo, Ward of HearthFire Village