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Kinship Tavern

Aedon Durreah

Village of Aegis
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Stratics Legend
One of the long standing Taverns on Catskills recently fell. The Kinship Tavern stood for may years as a place of welcome to folks from both facets who came in the spirit of friendship.

The last known person to hold the Tavern left the game long ago, and many of us did not the place was in danger of slipping away.

One of the only remaining members of kinship, and the holder of the stone came to me last night telling me of the Taverns demise. I went to the area, planning to reset the building. It was my hope that lady Eithne open the tavern at least once a month.

What I found was a bit distressing. The building is gone, but the items from within and the area remain. Being blessed items, they I suppose will float there forever. Because the items and area were blessed, I could not reset a building on the plot.

If there is a way that the Tavern, a simple L shaped building could be reset there, it would be a blessing for Catskills. Access granted to open the place once a month would be wonderful. If however you need someone to actually hold the building in order for it to be there, I would be more then willing to bring an account online to hold this important piece of history.

EM Kasaven

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I'll talk to Mesanna and direct her to this post, I'll see what we can do.
What are the coordinates to the tavern location?


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What about the Evil Eye tavern from the Undead/Crimson Alliance folks? Next to the keep in Necropolis?

Aedon Durreah

Village of Aegis
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
What about the Evil Eye tavern from the Undead/Crimson Alliance folks? Next to the keep in Necropolis?

If it were Necropolis Keep that had fallen, I would agree with you here. But in Kinship, the Kinship Tavern was the main building in the town. It was also all that was left of Kinship.

I am big on saving any shard history we can, but as long as The keep in Necropolis stands, the Undead will live on in our Sssoulssss. We cannot flood the Gods with every building that falls. If I had an endless array of accounts I would do my best to save at least one building in all of the great player towns on Catskills.

Do I feel badly that the Evil Eye is gone? Of course. But in this case we must keep in mind that Kinship Tavern = Necropolis Keep.

Aedon Durreah

Village of Aegis
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
We had heard that though the could not replace the building itself, they could construct an outdoor Tavern on the spot, using many of the blessed items within to decorate it. This would preserve some part of Kinship.

Lady Eithne is at this time awaiting final word.


Lore Keeper
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It's too bad we can't get the building replaced but at least we can preserve some of it.


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I do not think that Necropolis keep can fall, its blessed. Blessed buildings cannot fall, right? I would open a new account to restore the Evil Eye, if at all possible. Anyone got screen shots of these pieces of history, both the Evil Eye and Kinship Tavern? I lost all mine in a hard drive failure... :(


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Stratics Legend
Original Kinship Village

I've been a member of the village of Kinship since 1998 .. you could say I grew up there even.. I have 3 houses there and as far as I know those are the ONLY standing ORIGINAL houses of Kinship ...

My home across from the carrot fields is so old it doesn't even have a built on date on it ...

I'd love to see the village of Kinship recognized .. the people in Kinship were always willing to give more than a "helping hand" and made Skara a great place

Some " newer " homes have been built there .. long after the Kinship stables, library, tailor shop etc fell .. its nice to see ...



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Stratics Legend
Re: Original Kinship Village

I dunno what happened.... I was there, a bit late, but no one was there... unless I missed us moving somewhere.