Although at a recent meeting in Castle British voting went against having a council it seems the question has arisen again. I voted against a council then and am still of the same view.
We need a King (Queen), a strong leader to follow in times of trouble, ideally one who would lead his people in battle, one whose standard would be seen where the battle was thickest. In this context how do you follow a council?. They cannot be a focal point in the same manner, In combat the cry will often arise 'The King' I doubt we will ever hear 'The Council'
A good King makes decisions, no need to arrange a date and debate the whys and wherefores as a council would need to do.
A King(Queen) is crowned, swears a solemn oath and is annointed. He (She) is recognised by the Church as leader of the people. A King is known to ALL the people, a council would be known by some and unknown to many.
Another problem with a council is that they have a tendancy to factionalise, eventually this could lead to a serious split, yet another is if there is a dominant member this can lead to such a member becoming a virtual dictator. Council members also tend to have their own agenda which could be something not necessarily in Sosarias best interests.
Lords, Ladies and Citizens swear an oath of fealty to a monarch, I for one will swear no such oath to a council.
There also arises the question of the legitimacy of a council. Much is made of the fact that Lord British apponted a council to oversee while he was gone. This is acceptable, that council ruled 'In Absentia', which is with the authority of the King while he is away. This council however was responsible TO the King. The proposed council would apparently be responsible to NO ONE.
There is, of course the problem of there being no obvious candidate for the Kingship, but we are in no worse a situation than we were when the King's council was murdered. We then had to endure internal conflict until we managed to rid ourselves of the false King Casca. Following this Dawn appeared and was adopted as Queen with little dispute. What is unfortunate is that Dawn died without naming a successor, if she had her wishes would have been carried out, for good or ill, as the will of the monarch.
I am therefore willing to wait to see if this crisis too resolves itself and a new candidate appears, a council , I personally do not need.
We need a King (Queen), a strong leader to follow in times of trouble, ideally one who would lead his people in battle, one whose standard would be seen where the battle was thickest. In this context how do you follow a council?. They cannot be a focal point in the same manner, In combat the cry will often arise 'The King' I doubt we will ever hear 'The Council'
A good King makes decisions, no need to arrange a date and debate the whys and wherefores as a council would need to do.
A King(Queen) is crowned, swears a solemn oath and is annointed. He (She) is recognised by the Church as leader of the people. A King is known to ALL the people, a council would be known by some and unknown to many.
Another problem with a council is that they have a tendancy to factionalise, eventually this could lead to a serious split, yet another is if there is a dominant member this can lead to such a member becoming a virtual dictator. Council members also tend to have their own agenda which could be something not necessarily in Sosarias best interests.
Lords, Ladies and Citizens swear an oath of fealty to a monarch, I for one will swear no such oath to a council.
There also arises the question of the legitimacy of a council. Much is made of the fact that Lord British apponted a council to oversee while he was gone. This is acceptable, that council ruled 'In Absentia', which is with the authority of the King while he is away. This council however was responsible TO the King. The proposed council would apparently be responsible to NO ONE.
There is, of course the problem of there being no obvious candidate for the Kingship, but we are in no worse a situation than we were when the King's council was murdered. We then had to endure internal conflict until we managed to rid ourselves of the false King Casca. Following this Dawn appeared and was adopted as Queen with little dispute. What is unfortunate is that Dawn died without naming a successor, if she had her wishes would have been carried out, for good or ill, as the will of the monarch.
I am therefore willing to wait to see if this crisis too resolves itself and a new candidate appears, a council , I personally do not need.