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Kids say the darndest things...


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
My son usually gets a snack before bed. Well tonight we had a late supper, so I got ready to make his juice and I told him he wouldn't be getting a snack. He said "Why"? and I said, "Because you just ate dinner, and you won't have any room for it". He looked me straight in the eye, and patted the table next to the sofa and said, "But you can put it here"....he's 5 btw..


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Shouldn't give a kid food or sugary things before bed. That's how you gain weight and rot your teeth.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Kids are friggin' hilarious.
I have so many great memories from being a camp counselor. That's children gold right there.
We had one camper named Kama. Our camp policy was if you said put downs, you had to give three put ups. Kama liked only seeing put ups. She'd come up with phrases like "Captain (that's my counselor name), you are my pigeon in a flock of sea gals."


Thank You!!
I was sitting here trying to ignore the arguments of my 5 teenage kids (one is currently out on his own, but for some reason he is the topic of alot of their arguments.) when I read this.
Brought back so many sweet memories..... Like the time they decided to help Mommy and Daddy by painting.......... the carpet, beds, dressers, well everything but the walls.
Trust me. Enjoy this time, because it is golden!


Kids are adorable but like kittens and puppies they grow up way to fast. Enjoy every minute of their childhood is what i say. And you are right...they say the darndest things. Thanks for the laugh. :D


baby humans have to be the most boring babies of any species on the planet.


baby humans have to be the most boring babies of any species on the planet.
I was around a lot for the first two years of my cousins lives..... definitely not boring, it was really fun and they keep you on your toes... though it is all opinion I guess.


no i like kids fine. I just say the darndest things sometimes. i honestly can't help it. honestly.