Eyes of Sosaria
Two eves ago, the citizens of Sosaria had the opportunity of once again meeting up with Kendrick Morrow. All walks of life attened this meeting with the infamous Magician.
We at first met Morrow in Trinsic. He was scuffling around town collecting supplies and we all followed. he mentioned something about once again making his way back to Vesper.
We all finally ended up at the Keg&Anchor Tavern where the crowd began asking Morrow various questions. The questions were more directed at his connection with the crimes that he was accused of. After a spell of asking this and that, the honorable Govoner Winfield struck a deal with him to attend the SHRINE OF HONESTY in Ishenar in order to get to the truth of things. After some haggling between the two, Kendrick Morrow agreed to go to the shrine if the price was right. After the Govoner agreed to pay for a "Performance" and the truth to some of the questions, we all departed to the SHRINE OF HONESTY.
After clearing the area of mobs, citizens such as Lady Pheonix, Maintsorc, Govoner Winfield, Mayor Zanku and Lady CAT lead off with questions about wether he was guilty of those crimes and if he had a direct connection to what had happened at the castle and in the townships. Morrow was reluctant in answering alot of the questions, some being true , others being indirect. It seemed that even tho we were at the shrine, Morrow was still somehow still evasive on answering questions.
After a period of time and feeling like we really weren't getting anywhere, Govoner Winfield asked Morrow to honor his promise of doing a few magican tricks. Morrow started out by pulling rabbits out of his hat. But the next trick found us all fighting Wyverns and that ended in fighting a Very large Red Dragon. With all those defeated, we followed Morrow to his retreat in vesper, the Mornok Estate. There, a different picture of what may have taken place over the past was forming. Kendrick Morrow began presenting facts and questions to various issues that started everyone thinking. Alot of solid points were pointed out and the crowd began thinking twice of what may have occured in the past. After a period of listening, Morrow retired to his bedroom and bit goodnight to everyone.
The saga of Kendrick Morrow and the relationship to the Artifact and map, thats been hunted for a long period of time, is not over. There are many questions still to be answered and clues to be found out. In the coming days and weeks, the citizens of Sosaria will have to pull togther as one and try to get to the bottom of this mystery in order to solve what has happened and what still may lay ahead.
Watch for more on this in the coming weeks.
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We at first met Morrow in Trinsic. He was scuffling around town collecting supplies and we all followed. he mentioned something about once again making his way back to Vesper.
We all finally ended up at the Keg&Anchor Tavern where the crowd began asking Morrow various questions. The questions were more directed at his connection with the crimes that he was accused of. After a spell of asking this and that, the honorable Govoner Winfield struck a deal with him to attend the SHRINE OF HONESTY in Ishenar in order to get to the truth of things. After some haggling between the two, Kendrick Morrow agreed to go to the shrine if the price was right. After the Govoner agreed to pay for a "Performance" and the truth to some of the questions, we all departed to the SHRINE OF HONESTY.
After clearing the area of mobs, citizens such as Lady Pheonix, Maintsorc, Govoner Winfield, Mayor Zanku and Lady CAT lead off with questions about wether he was guilty of those crimes and if he had a direct connection to what had happened at the castle and in the townships. Morrow was reluctant in answering alot of the questions, some being true , others being indirect. It seemed that even tho we were at the shrine, Morrow was still somehow still evasive on answering questions.
After a period of time and feeling like we really weren't getting anywhere, Govoner Winfield asked Morrow to honor his promise of doing a few magican tricks. Morrow started out by pulling rabbits out of his hat. But the next trick found us all fighting Wyverns and that ended in fighting a Very large Red Dragon. With all those defeated, we followed Morrow to his retreat in vesper, the Mornok Estate. There, a different picture of what may have taken place over the past was forming. Kendrick Morrow began presenting facts and questions to various issues that started everyone thinking. Alot of solid points were pointed out and the crowd began thinking twice of what may have occured in the past. After a period of listening, Morrow retired to his bedroom and bit goodnight to everyone.
The saga of Kendrick Morrow and the relationship to the Artifact and map, thats been hunted for a long period of time, is not over. There are many questions still to be answered and clues to be found out. In the coming days and weeks, the citizens of Sosaria will have to pull togther as one and try to get to the bottom of this mystery in order to solve what has happened and what still may lay ahead.
Watch for more on this in the coming weeks.

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