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K0C pwned in despise by tnt!

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Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
then we came back and pwned them!

great fight guys, just wish more of ya were showing might have better a little better 2nd time around...

I understand you play your template the way you do and im not crying about it I applaud you... for being decipline enough to watch ur guildmates fall and not pop out until someone is either redlined or half life running on foot for their lives...

You may learn to fight TOGETHER sometime... Its ok to die together as a guild rather than stealth away and live as a few.


How about now? LOL, all you all owned after that, Funny!


i see progress. some already try not to run and die together.



Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Im hoping your not assuming luna, because you guys lost that one too
Where yall at now the house getting out of stat?

Im at my house too actually... DROPPIN YOUR LOOTS.. You never die because you dont show unless its a newly or a pop shot 1 hit kill... Way to be a team player.... All you do is run away and leave your guild for dead. granted you dont die very often but when you do you cry hax and claim to be quititng uo.



You cry hax and claim to be quiting uo.

[/ QUOTE ]


Kat SP

I guess you forgot the part where you all got your butts kicked in Despise and the remaining few of you ran and left all your dead guildies and their loot behind, huh?

It's okay, we understand how your storytime goes!


Ah, as many times as you have left for wow, left guilds, and will leave soon (as you say you want to now)! Touche!


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
no you didnt read the 1st post im assuming i said we got pwned in despise.. Did you see the topic? Yes we lost the 1st round but came and killed yall after finished the spawn chased u all around despise... we yeilede 4 +20's and no not any Puffy's magical 20 magerys... just 20 resist lore and chiv x2...

But ya you def got them before I logged in and once we regrouped and returned... Well you know what happened, was \almost like goldie pawn earlier outside west luna
good jerb


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
wow? Nevre played it... guilds? which?

uhhhh quit and never returned? NEVER...

I normally take breaks during the summer because I enjoy the outdoors and live in nh
But I dont really feel it nessecary to get into to much detail... Hopefully that helps you out....

Difference is, I dont take a break over a death... I take a break due to RL... unlike you where its just you dieing when you lose your 750k-1 mil suit..

Pretty sad tho you jacking up soulweaver for another mil on those hammers man, thats low... well its not even low for tnt anymore you guys are really on a downward spiral... 1st That house thing, now you trying to make a quick extra mil off a guildy?" Whats next lemme log on ur account so I can make osmething on your crafter and you just x-fer the house over? lol




Hmm, how do you know that he won them? How much do you THINK he paid if he did? Ah, smoke it up bro! The mind leaves those who thinks they are cleaver (and smoke weed).


Even better Puff (magic drag) is that do you really think a guy who runs, EVERY DAY, in a 2mil plus suit would cheat a guildy out of a paultry amount as stated? No, he knows your ways and how you LOVE to get the boards a HUM. Speak of hum, how is Brook? Did I forget ER? Ah well, GN all!


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

Hmm, how do you know that he won them? How much do you THINK he paid if he did? Ah, smoke it up bro! The mind leaves those who thinks they are cleaver (and smoke weed).

[/ QUOTE ]

Way to judge someone... Not like you at all.

Ill do me, You do you.. And Ill worry about ME, YOU worry about YOU.


Ah bro, no worries here. 13 years as a Special Agent for the US Government, I have taken care of plenty of YOUs. And I have to tell ya, I enjoyed everyone of em! Karma is like a rattle snake, first your think you hear something, and then BAM! It bites ya. These are facts and most on these boards know them to be true.


NBD doesn't understand why you don't understand why you are not good.



Wow, KOC has to open a new account to back themselves up. Come on guys, wait until your friends wake up to back yourself up! Old school board PVP! You know the deal.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

Ah bro, no worries here. 13 years as a Special Agent for the US Government, I have taken care of plenty of YOUs. And I have to tell ya, I enjoyed everyone of em! Karma is like a rattle snake, first your think you hear something, and then BAM! It bites ya. These are facts and most on these boards know them to be true.

[/ QUOTE ]

Ummm ok so what does any of this have to do with uo?

Stretching much?

Well when you wake up, Ill be sleeping goodnight siege.... And seriously Idicko worry about your own life... And PLEASE stop bringing mine up, I know you got some weird fetish/obsession with me. But please take a few steps back read what your writing and relize how.....


Yea, I really do Puff. You rank right there with my pee in a jar collection. Looks gross, but really does have a funny smell to it. Sleep tight and don't let the karma bugs bite! I too have to hit the bed.



no you didnt and begin storytime

[/ QUOTE ]




Yea, I really do Puff. You rank right there with my pee in a jar collection. Looks gross, but really does have a funny smell to it. Sleep tight and don't let the karma bugs bite! I too have to hit the bed.

[/ QUOTE ]

BAH HAHAHA thats a board pwning if i've ever seen one. you can keep on typing a billion more letters puffy but nothing will come out as funny as that just did.

Kat SP

I love how KoC is suddenly hatin' on us now! It's a good indicator that they don't much like having their asses handed to them at every turn. Nitie nite boys!


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

I love how KoC is suddenly hatin' on us now! It's a good indicator that they don't much like having their asses handed to them at every turn. Nitie nite boys!

[/ QUOTE ]

Since everyone has their own thoughts of who is better and who relys on crutches why dont we do an old Rev/Waka thing where we do a 5 on 5? and than have those 5 members do a 1 on 1 after... Well see where each other really stand.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

Even better Puff (magic drag) is that do you really think a guy who runs, EVERY DAY, in a 2mil plus suit would cheat a guildy out of a paultry amount as stated? No, he knows your ways and how you LOVE to get the boards a HUM. Speak of hum, how is Brook? Did I forget ER? Ah well, GN all!

[/ QUOTE ]

Buddy yes I do think and know you would do that, me and soulweaver spoke.... Srsly bro like get over yourself. 2 mil suit with what? Gauntlets of nobility spirit of totem? what else you run brace of health? Looks more like a 500-750k suit to me... I said 750-1mil to be a nice guy. but then again coming from a guy who is ... we wont say what your cheap as hell and sell everything over priced so yes... your 2 mil suit is my 500k suit. Because we all know how greedy your kind are.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend


Yea, I really do Puff. You rank right there with my pee in a jar collection. Looks gross, but really does have a funny smell to it. Sleep tight and don't let the karma bugs bite! I too have to hit the bed.

[/ QUOTE ]

BAH HAHAHA thats a board pwning if i've ever seen one. you can keep on typing a billion more letters puffy but nothing will come out as funny as that just did.

[/ QUOTE ]

"Wow, KOC has to open a new account to back themselves up. Come on guys, wait until your friends wake up to back yourself up! Old school board PVP! You know the deal." - Idicko

Now thats funny, just you and kat dont have new accounts they are old and your doing the same thing he just poked fun at us for.


You couldnt be more right on this one ... the only time I ever see the name Idico in game is if he shows to get a cheap res kill on someone. I would say probably 95% of his kill points are from res kill and no skill.


the point of being a stealther is to pop out at the right moment and kill someone. stealthers arnt made for toe to toe. what you just said was that he plays his template really well........


King of The Bearded Ladies
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
My suits better then your suits! mehh meh mehhh whine Bit** smack talk bap slap! I wear Rune Beetle Carpaces as Throw Aways!!! THATS RIGHT THROW A WAY !!! Im the Ballla shush! Enough talk talki everyone bring on the field and own each other... No Tamers Please K Thx!


Maybe you didnt understand ... he kills people when they res with like 3 hps and already statted ...


King of The Bearded Ladies
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
He needs the life force so he can dye my throw away rune beetle carapaces!... Leave the man alone!



the point of being a stealther is to pop out at the right moment and kill someone. stealthers arnt made for toe to toe. what you just said was that he plays his template really well........

[/ QUOTE ]

He should play it well.. He has played it for a very very long time..

Oh.. and I enjoy board pvping when it is poking fun at each other about our pvping fun on Siege.. It is when people start throwing up brags and threats about being in the law enforcement profession in rl that I get rather scared about the hiring practices of our government and wonder why someone of that noble job would use it so..


People should be proud of their work for the government. Further, people should be proud of whatever job they perform. You should have a positive effect on the world/community (in RL). I served the Army for 13 years, now have a very nice job, have a wife and 3 kids, pray on a daily basis, etc, etc. RL is good. Call it bragging if ya like.

Now, whine about your deaths. My temp sucks 1 V 1, but I have killed many of you solo (Mag to name just one, hehe).

As for my status as a seller, I have never hosed a person. Can you say that Puffy? HAHA HEHEHE

Oh, and puffy, how many computers have you burnt out? Must be hot in your house.

Lastly, many people you say you talk to, talk crap about you. Just a heads up!


well considering all he does is double click.And in kirin form you cant use specials and he dont cast spells.So how can u not play that template?Well honestly and he has his little thing drink pots and put aids.So ya how cant he play that template well?In all honesty before he was idico he played a tamer ever heard of him? oh no ok k thnx bye...and he was all fail with his so called macer and the mage ...oh god..so ya a double click wonder dont forget the one other button he pushes smokebomb skill i think not...
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