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the Cursed artifacts are dropping up to three artifacts to the same person. And it seems they drop every single time. Ive farmed the dark fathers for a few days and been getting massive cursed arties. SOme people have farmed over a hundred on one day.

So watch the prices, and what you pay.

imported_Chad Sexington


the Cursed artifacts are dropping up to three artifacts to the same person. And it seems they drop every single time. Ive farmed the dark fathers for a few days and been getting massive cursed arties. SOme people have farmed over a hundred on one day.

So watch the prices, and what you pay.

[/ QUOTE ]

I played in mag for maybe few hours today. (Don't know exactly how many.)

Before the spawn change I've gotten 2 cursed arties.

I've gotten 100+ today alone. I'm unloading them as soon as possible. I sold my first cursed AoF for 3 mil and unloaded another one a few hours later for 2.25mil.

edit: I've made 22.25mil so far on this invasion. Haven't had the best of luck on the other arties.