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[Price Check] Just returning to the game: what are these rubble pieces worth?

Old Wolf

Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Update: I have listed what prices people have been offering me in PM or listed here.
**Please let me know if these are not accurate!

Please realize, I'm just checking prices at this point.

Howdy all,

I hope this isn't a redundant question, but I'm just returning and looking at selling the last of my rubble collection I purchased and collected (most of it fell with my castle). Could anyone tell me what these are worth:

-Palm trees (2 colored, 1 grey) 35-40m
-Wooden crate 75m
-Tent pieces (looks like a vertical banner) ?
-Rock 100k
-Sign hanger (the metal part of what a house sign would hang on) 10-15m
-Metal chest 200m(?)
-Red tile which I believe is a blood tile... it's basically just a red square 40m+(?)
-Gold necklace 10-15m

Thank you!
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Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Howdy all,

I hope this isn't a redundant question, but I'm just returning and looking at selling the last of my rubble collection I purchased and collected (most of it fell with my castle). Could anyone tell me what these are worth:
-Palm trees (2 colored, 1 grey)
-Wooden crate
-Tent pieces (looks like a vertical banner)
-Sign hanger (the metal part of what a house sign would hang on)
-Metal chest
-Red tile which I believe is a blood tile... it's basically just a red square
-Gold necklace

Thank you!
I'm not super great with Pc's when it comes to rubble, but I did collect the containers at one point or another. I bought a rubble metal chest for 150 million and then sold it for a bit more than that a few years ago, I want to say for around 200. Also I still have a large rubble crate that I have received offers of 75 mill on recently. Hope this helps!

The Shamrock

Stratics Veteran
Howdy all,

I hope this isn't a redundant question, but I'm just returning and looking at selling the last of my rubble collection I purchased and collected (most of it fell with my castle). Could anyone tell me what these are worth:
-Palm trees (2 colored, 1 grey) 35-40m each
-Wooden crate - unsure
-Tent pieces (looks like a vertical banner) - unsure
-Rock - depends on the rock... i believe the moongates rocks are 15m, however the small ones are not rare and are about 100k
-Sign hanger (the metal part of what a house sign would hang on) - 10-15m i believe... maybe more now days
-Metal chest - unsure
-Red tile which I believe is a blood tile... it's basically just a red square - 40m+?
-Gold necklace - about 5-10m

Thank you!

Old Wolf

Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I have updated the list with prices I have heard so far from PM and here in the thread.

Please let me know if the prices are off before I put all my chips in the wrong basket!


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
metal chest is to high more like what the crates worth
tent is around 9m
everything else looks on par