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a slave girl

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I just noticed a vendor in Luna that said RIP Moby Grape and since I've been off line the past few days in the hospital with my mom who was recently diagnosed with peripheral t-cell lymphoma (5 year life expectancy but most last 1 year so you will get your wish Darkness, teknik and whatever names you call yourself, she will most likely die soon).

Wanted to see if there was a post regarding Moby, who I tend to think of as the only person on Pac who has never said a mean thing to me although he could have once. His idoc partner krystal handled that but I guess I had that coming since I kind of hinted that they must be cheating at idocs since they always stood to the left side of the idoc houses.

Krystal explained that that is where most people tend to decorate or place containers and or items in their house, so I learned something that day about idocs in UO and about human nature as well.

So I was looking for a thread about Moby I see Kahlan's sad sad thread.

Kahlan you are 2 faced you talk to me in game nicely then come to the boards and talk not so nicely about me.

Life is too short to waste it dealing with liars (*waves to Pink Floyd*), greaseballs (*waves to Old McDonald), 2 faced people like yourself (*waves to Kahlan*), and those desperately searcing for someone to love them online (*waves to everyone else in this thread*).

Now, I am going to be nice to you one last time Kahlan.

To all those who are beneath me, to those who don't have the right stuff, who aren't good enough, who aren't tall enough to ride this ride, Kahlan is ONE OF YOU.

Why be mean to her? She's just looking for love online like all the rest of you are.

Oh and btw Kahlan, I was once reading the old FL boards and someone emoted *licks DisNchanted's pic* and provided a link to your Myspace.

Now I don't care what anyone here looks like since I don't play UO to get a date, and I'm a Mom so I would feel mean calling another Mom's kid unattractive, so I won't say what I thought of your pic, all I will say is that the FL's emote about licking your pic was meant to be sarcastic.

Well back to looking for info about Moby Grape, who is/was one of the nicest people on Pac, you guys could learn or could have learned alot about being mature from him.

As much as I would like to see Morgaine and Kahlan duke it out over who gets the most attention ingame and on the boards I'm headed to the hospital for a few days.



Oh and btw a weiner dog/beagle mix was the BEST dog we ever owned. He was really great watching over the kids when they played outside. We miss you Rufus!

So I will take weiner dog as a compliment!

Rand Al

You are one odd person if you think everyone here is looking for love in a game most of the people here are a bored so they get on to play a game. Just cause your attempt at love was a huge failure does not mean everyone here on this game is the same as you. Allot of thees people are married have kids and actually raise them to work hard not live off welfare. You just seam bitter and jealous that people have lives and friends. Yes there are some people in the game like your good buddy Eric who are looking for love in the game but you notice everyone is thinking he is a odd duck for it can you put 2 and 2 together here slave or are you to slow?
I do not know about Moby Grape. To bad about your mom loosing a family member is always a bad thing i think you still need a mom.

Eyes of Origin

Thats funny since I havent posted on Stratics in nearly 2 weeks, if not more, due to RL, but thanks for thinking about me!!! rolleyes:

No matter what I think of you tho, I am sorry to hear about your mom.

Duke X. Winter

I'm nice to you...well...maybe not nice, per say, but I'm certainly not mean to you. I won't ever want to get to know you, personally, but I don't think I've ever been mean to you, or wanted to be mean to you.

My only criticisms of you are that you need to focus less on what other people are doing, and more on how you're making honest players feel when you accuse them with nothing more then a suspicion.

As for Kahlan and her myspace....*thinks*...."Judge not yest ye be judged" comes to mind.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'm sorry to hear about your mom. I know how much I love and depend on mine so I can't imagine being without her. As for the rest of it... why bother? I'ma take some advice and not take anymore potshots, at you or anyone else. No one has a sense of humor or can tell when someone's joking anymore. Or when someone, ie me, just wants some friendly debates and spirited conversation. Its sad but apparently the way it is. Spend as much time with your mom as you can... just friendly heartfelt advice.

Old Macdonald

First and foremost - my thoughts go out to your family.

That being said -- for a daughter that is about to lose a mother, you seem to have your priorities mixed up dont you?

And how dare you exploit the passing of a player.
Shame on you. You claim to have class and tact, yet this thread clearly says otherwise. Let the memory of him rest with respect and in its own thread - do not speak of him again in a thread that has ill words strewn in it!

My condolences for your mother.
And I pray that her daughter will do the right thing instead of posting her nasty opinions on stratics boards.

Seems as though you can take a bear out the woods
but you cant take the woods out of the bear.

Just sad and pathetic Slave.......:sad4:

I just noticed a vendor in Luna that said RIP Moby Grape and since I've been off line the past few days in the hospital with my mom who was recently diagnosed with peripheral t-cell lymphoma (5 year life expectancy but most last 1 year so you will get your wish Darkness, teknik and whatever names you call yourself, she will most likely die soon).

Wanted to see if there was a post regarding Moby, who I tend to think of as the only person on Pac who has never said a mean thing to me although he could have once. His idoc partner krystal handled that but I guess I had that coming since I kind of hinted that they must be cheating at idocs since they always stood to the left side of the idoc houses.

Krystal explained that that is where most people tend to decorate or place containers and or items in their house, so I learned something that day about idocs in UO and about human nature as well.

So I was looking for a thread about Moby I see Kahlan's sad sad thread.

Kahlan you are 2 faced you talk to me in game nicely then come to the boards and talk not so nicely about me.

Life is too short to waste it dealing with liars (*waves to Pink Floyd*), greaseballs (*waves to Old McDonald), 2 faced people like yourself (*waves to Kahlan*), and those desperately searcing for someone to love them online (*waves to everyone else in this thread*).

Now, I am going to be nice to you one last time Kahlan.

To all those who are beneath me, to those who don't have the right stuff, who aren't good enough, who aren't tall enough to ride this ride, Kahlan is ONE OF YOU.

Why be mean to her? She's just looking for love online like all the rest of you are.

Oh and btw Kahlan, I was once reading the old FL boards and someone emoted *licks DisNchanted's pic* and provided a link to your Myspace.

Now I don't care what anyone here looks like since I don't play UO to get a date, and I'm a Mom so I would feel mean calling another Mom's kid unattractive, so I won't say what I thought of your pic, all I will say is that the FL's emote about licking your pic was meant to be sarcastic.

Well back to looking for info about Moby Grape, who is/was one of the nicest people on Pac, you guys could learn or could have learned alot about being mature from him.

As much as I would like to see Morgaine and Kahlan duke it out over who gets the most attention ingame and on the boards I'm headed to the hospital for a few days.



Oh and btw a weiner dog/beagle mix was the BEST dog we ever owned. He was really great watching over the kids when they played outside. We miss you Rufus!

So I will take weiner dog as a compliment!


I couldn't even read what she was saying.. Something about being a negligent mommy and being an idiot.. oh well.. g'nite..


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
On second thought.... Slave you obviously missed the post debacle of where I tried to discuss you and the not rezzing me in illish. Everything else spun from that, I tried to remain at best neutral BUT because of your pettiness and childishness I wasn't totally able to do so.

As for my myspace... well who cares what a bunch of lamer pvpers say I got a friend or two left in FL that is if they still play, and who CARES? If you think I care about what other people think about my physical apperance then you are sadly mistaken. One, I posted a rl picture of myself and fiance in the sticky thread. Where's yours? Two, I may not be skinny or conventionally pretty and I am more than okay with that. My fiance loves me and thinks I am beautiful inside and out. Other than stirring up drama (yes I admit it) OCCASIONALY on these boards, of a GAME I play, I am a kind, caring, giving and compasionate person. I, like alot of others have had a tough life and have been through a lot. So if I come on these boards to exercise my freedom of speech and release and vent stress, what of it? It is what it is. The difference between myself and you is I accept that in the great scheme of things, real life things, ANYTHING said on these boards are insignificant. How many people do you know in real life that you talk to here? I know more than a few, and had a long term meaningful relationship with someone met and became friends with in UO. Soooooooooooooooo say what you will about me. It neither affects me or impacts my LIFE in anyway. And lastly... you screwed yourself when you burned your bridges with me. I was willing to play devil's advocate with you and give you the benefit of a doubt. Because I have been where you are in regards to being a paranah on these boards. But you made your bed, now sleep in it.

I sincerely hope you get your head straight and spend the time you have left with your mom in a meaningful way and not worry about "just passing through".


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Sorry to hear about your mom Slave Girl. I just wish she had done better at raising you.

Now is it true Moby Grape passed away? If so, that is a terrible shame. He was indeed a very kind person.


Life is too short to waste it dealing with liars (*waves to Pink Floyd*), greaseballs (*waves to Old McDonald), 2 faced people like yourself (*waves to Kahlan*), and those desperately searcing for someone to love them online (*waves to everyone else in this thread*).
Damn....missed the list again......:sad4:



Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Sorry to hear about your mother, but try to remain positive. Since you like learning about my personal life (I mean, you bring it up in game constantly, don't you? And yet you know nothing about me, but let's not go into how I'm a moral-less ass kisser who is pathetic and can't get a job in the US and whatever bull**** you have to write and get on with what I have to say before this thread is locked), here's something about me: my mother (step mother, but I call her "mom") has multiple miloma (I can't spell it, sorry) - which is bone marrow cancer. She was diagnosed with it when I was 11 years old. She can't produce T and B cells correctly, which fight off infections and illnesses and she's often in the hospital because she's come down from pneumonia which stemmed from a cold or something tivial. They gave her a less than a year to live.
That was ten years ago. She still has it, but she works hard at staying healthy, being happy and looks into all options. She has great doctors, too.
I hope you will have a similar story and your mother will be in great health ten years from now. Losing a family member is always hard, and if I lost my mom I would be devastated because she means a lot to me. I'm very glad to have not lost my mother yet. My uncle was recently diagnosed with prostate cancer but the surgery was successful and they removed it all. My grandmother had bowl cancer, but she's good too. Just remember - she can beat this. Just stay positive with her, hold her hand and do as much as you can with her, always. I think the key to beating cancer is honestly positivity and the drive to stay alive for those around you, because the more negative you are, the more sick you become and you give up. I wish your mom a lot of luck and a lot of strength to you to help her get through this.


the beef has spoken!
for real though sg, even though I don't like you, and I've said some awful stuff about you that I won't take back:

Slave, I wish you and your mother the best of luck. No joke.

(you too beef)


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
the beef has spoken!
for real though sg, even though I don't like you, and I've said some awful stuff about you that I won't take back:

Slave, I wish you and your mother the best of luck. No joke.

(you too beef)
Thanks Gemma. :heart:

Old Macdonald

Life is too short to waste it dealing with liars (*waves to Pink Floyd*), greaseballs (*waves to Old McDonald), 2 faced people like yourself (*waves to Kahlan*), and those desperately searcing for someone to love them online (*waves to everyone else in this thread*).

Im a little disgusted over the fact that i started a thread and it was insta-locked even thought there was no direct or obvious trolling imo.
Can anyone tell me what the difference is on this thread?

Anyone? Anyone? Bueller? Bueller? Fry? Fry?

It's not the end of the world but there is something to be said for conistancy!


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
yeah i like how she "waves to everyone in this thread" sounds like shes expecting retaliation,hmmm premeditated? wow and no one has locked the thread or deleted? sounds like a biased moederation. oh well, cant get rid of it in game or on the boards. apparently though real life is finally doing some "natural selection". lets hope it keeps going down the line.

Duke X. Winter

yeah i like how she "waves to everyone in this thread" sounds like shes expecting retaliation,hmmm premeditated? wow and no one has locked the thread or deleted? sounds like a biased moederation. oh well, cant get rid of it in game or on the boards. apparently though real life is finally doing some "natural selection". lets hope it keeps going down the line.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The less thread locking, the better.
The more personal attacks, the better.

Quit being such wusses.
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