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Just got back after years looking for a guild


Hi yall, just got back after a long time started in 98 and left when wow came out , im looking for a guild , im mostly pvm, have a bard tamer, fencer, fisherman/thunter/archer lost all my old accounts so I made new, well with advanced chars, ive got a home, gold and everything I need im just looking for an active guild that has adult behavior.

Lady Lavendar

Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
UWF has a very active guild. Trammel based, it has hunts every night at 9PM Eastern, except Tuesday when there is a guild meeting. If you ask in HELP chat for a UWF emissary, you might be able to find one of us. Our guild is for mature players, and one must be 18 or over to join. We ask for no drama. We try to maintain a friendly extended online family atmosphere. I will pm you my icq , if you wish to contact me by icq.

Lady Lavendar

Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
UWF has a very active guild. Trammel based, it has hunts every night at 9PM Eastern, except Tuesday when there is a guild meeting. If you ask in HELP chat for a UWF emissary, you might be able to find one of us. Our guild is for mature players, and one must be 18 or over to join. We ask for no drama. We try to maintain a friendly extended online family atmosphere. I will pm you my icq , if you wish to contact me by icq.


The Enchanter
Stratics Veteran
Campaign Patron
Hi yall, just got back after a long time started in 98 and left when wow came out , im looking for a guild , im mostly pvm, have a bard tamer, fencer, fisherman/thunter/archer lost all my old accounts so I made new, well with advanced chars, ive got a home, gold and everything I need im just looking for an active guild that has adult behavior.
I second Lady Lavendar's message. We are very active in UWF, have a TeamSpeak channel, do hunts every night, have people online generally at all times and are willing to help get you up to speed in anyway possible.

Shoot me an ICQ if interested in getting more information.

Thanks and good luck!