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JUST FYI: On the house burnings.



Now I know I posted losing million of gold from a vendor decay. That was my fault. The best advice I got (though after the fact)... Keep a vendor at your house and transfer your gold there. It sounds so simple. And my loss has made be more motivated not to be lazy (hehe).

Well the house burning are great!. They should continue. BUT EA has stated that if you have a vendor on the house, you will lose it.

How do you know who is legit? You can and you cant. So that being known...

Please set a vendor up on your house. Assuming you know you dont cheat. Make it regular practice to move the gold from vendors on others plots to your plot.

It will save you a nightmare.

I think lots of changes are coming for the game. Make sure you keep like 75% of your gold on your own vendor.


OK, this might be a stupid question, but how would you move millions from one vendor to another? Do they take checks?


I tend to keep only what the vendor needs for say 30 days or less if I'm checking all the time. More than that I'll bank. If one day I can't fit the checks in the bank or house I guess I'll just have to go shopping




OK, this might be a stupid question, but how would you move millions from one vendor to another? Do they take checks?

[/ QUOTE ]There is a little trick to easily move gold from one vendor to another: Simply draw the gold off vendor A, then place a priced BOD in a BODbook on vendor B and purchase the BOD off the vendor.
Normally you wouldn't be able to purchase items off your own vendors but BODs ,within a BODbook, you can.


Ah, well that one's a new one on me. I'll have to give that a try. Thanks for the tip.


there are 2 ways.
1 have 2 accounts or more.

Then you use 1 account solely for vending from you house and have you other accounts for other vendors.

You collect gold checks from vendor 1 and go buy something overpriced from you other vendor.


Collect Gold off vendor you are transporting to your house vendor.
Get a BOD book and put in 1 bod. PRICE it for the amount of gold you want to transfer.
Drop that book with the priced bod on the vendor you are transfering gold too.
Price the BOD book AS not for sale.
Open the bod book and buy the bod for X price.
You will have transfered your gold.

imported_Fran Fury

*longs for the day I need a vendor to store gold*

I just keep my checks in the bank or at my house. I never seem to keep a lot so it isn't an issue.


Well thats good too.
I could certainly use 1 characture to hold my gold in the bank. I dont have that much.
Thats a good idea too.

I like the vendor cause any of my charactures can get it.


surely theres an easier way to do something that doesnt look like your setting up a scam operation.


Its not a scam.
3 choices.

Use 2 accounts and keep a vendor at your house.
Use the BOD books to transfer gold within 1 account.
Empty your bank box to hold you gold checks.

Anyway you choose to do it, the goal is to move your gold from a vendor house you dont know well enough to trust.

Im not sure whats scammish about that. It seems like a good idea to protect yourself in the time of burnings.

Do you have another solution MysticSim?


If you're worried about it, just use a container in your house that all your chars can access. I tend to take checks out the bank and swap like that.




I never seem to keep a lot so it isn't an issue.

[/ QUOTE ]

Same problem I have, seems I just don't have enough gold to worry about, often I Have to bring gold to the vendors to keep them working for me, I have a couple that I keep tinker made tools on at vendor prices, so all the tools are cheap for new folks, or repair deeds that are also cheap. There are days when there is no sales on these vendors and of course I am being charged even if they don't make a sale.



If you're worried about it, just use a container in your house that all your chars can access. I tend to take checks out the bank and swap like that.


[/ QUOTE ]

Actually probably spreading stuff out between, bank, vendors, and containers is not only smart but best practice.

Sadly, that protects you best from game oddities.


It's not that I don't trust the person my vendor is at, because that is most certainly not the case, it's just that it would be much more convenient to have the gold on one of my house vendors so I didn't have to recall to Luna every time I needed to "withdraw" some gold to buy something.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend


If you're worried about it, just use a container in your house that all your chars can access. I tend to take checks out the bank and swap like that.


[/ QUOTE ]

Actually probably spreading stuff out between, bank, vendors, and containers is not only smart but best practice.

Sadly, that protects you best from game oddities.

[/ QUOTE ]
EA has something in their rules about not being allowed to use a vendor for storage. I'm sure they won't start banning people for having money on their vendor, but I've never actually heard any official statement on this.
So regardless it's not smart to keep very large amounts (hundreds of mils+) of money on a single vendor.
I have heard from several people experiencing bugs when they have more than 1b in gold on their vendor.

So I'd suggest keeping most of your money in your banks or houses.