OK,its like 6 AM here,LS is down for server maintenance so I figured I`d log into a more populated server.I chose Atlantic since I`m closer to it than Pac. After walking around and eventually makin it to WBB I was quite suprised when my tired eyes gazed upon the glory that is WBB/Atlantic. All I can say it WTH? I mean a gate right there next to the bank,a great looking/well designed area.Looks great,looks like a place peaple would LOVE to hang out at.Even if most didn`t,I sure would.
I`m just wondering why the differences? Is it just because theres more peaple to please on Atlantic? LS is lower pop so it gets the same ole tired theme? I just assumed it was just the oversea`s servers that had decked out WBB area`s. Just took me by suprise to see it on Atlantic too.
I must assume theres other great looking redisigns elsewhere.I just took a quick walk during server maint and was suprised. Don`t get me wrong I`m not whining/wanting what everyone else has,I`m moreso just wondering why one shard gets some nice decor in populous area`s while others....not so much.
I`m just wondering why the differences? Is it just because theres more peaple to please on Atlantic? LS is lower pop so it gets the same ole tired theme? I just assumed it was just the oversea`s servers that had decked out WBB area`s. Just took me by suprise to see it on Atlantic too.
I must assume theres other great looking redisigns elsewhere.I just took a quick walk during server maint and was suprised. Don`t get me wrong I`m not whining/wanting what everyone else has,I`m moreso just wondering why one shard gets some nice decor in populous area`s while others....not so much.