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just checking in





Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
lol congrats! u been playin anything else?

i been pretty good, im still playing darkfall a lot since i left uo

Pink Floyd

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Just league of legends, really, it's easy to log on for a cpl hours and have an enjoyable pvp experience any time of day which is nice :D


Ey War. Good to see you're still about. Been playing Urban Terror. I left around the same time you did I think. (Last year + a few months if I remember correctly.)


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Do I know you? Registered in 2009, I think the last time I was here was like 2007...

From the other thread I see you are not some new dude. Gemma may ring a small bell in my memory but I have a bad memory anyway. What the heck is a Mystic Mage?!

BTW, are they some other forums beside Stratics where everyone trash talks? Last forum alive that I posted on and ruled with a mighty postcount was GB. Anything like that or is this game that dead?


Do I know you? Registered in 2009, I think the last time I was here was like 2007...

From the other thread I see you are not some new dude. Gemma may ring a small bell in my memory but I have a bad memory anyway. What the heck is a Mystic Mage?!

BTW, are they some other forums beside Stratics where everyone trash talks? Last forum alive that I posted on and ruled with a mighty postcount was GB. Anything like that or is this game that dead?
Wait.. Who am I thinking of? Sorry I have you on ICQ but I thought you were someone else. Who was that kid we played with from Montana brendo?


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Do I know you? Registered in 2009, I think the last time I was here was like 2007...

From the other thread I see you are not some new dude. Gemma may ring a small bell in my memory but I have a bad memory anyway. What the heck is a Mystic Mage?!

BTW, are they some other forums beside Stratics where everyone trash talks? Last forum alive that I posted on and ruled with a mighty postcount was GB. Anything like that or is this game that dead?
Wait.. Who am I thinking of? Sorry I have you on ICQ but I thought you were someone else. Who was that kid we played with from Montana brendo?
I have no idea who Montana Brendo is.
What guild were you in? You were blue????

Pink Floyd

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Whenever I make a character in a new game I will name him Montana Brendo because that is the greatest name ever. I am sure you will agree gemma!


Whenever I make a character in a new game I will name him Montana Brendo because that is the greatest name ever. I am sure you will agree gemma!
Agreed. Pride I've always been Gemma and I played several other characters. Steve Zissou, Bazooka Joe, Aunt Jemima, Jubei, Beef Supreme, Uncle Ben. Gemma was the only blue. I played in SUPR pretty much exclusively. It just occurred to me, I thought you were 'PRIME'. Member him brendo? He was in SUPR with us. From montana. Now you guys follow?