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Just came back 4 yr layoff



I just came back from a 4 yr layoff. I have gotten bored with all the new games out there and decided to come back to the game that got me hooked on mmo's from 98 ! I'm a 8 yr vet , I have lost all my gear and house , All my chars are well equiped and have decent amount of cash. I love to pve as well as pvp , I have one red char , but I want him to go back to blue , I'm assumimg I should get a Fel house and sit him till he turns blue? Does that still work? I'm looking for a good guild to join also. I'm not looking for handouts , I've rebuilt before, just looking to join a soild group of players play with and help me get readjusted to the game.

Angel of Sonoma

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
yeah, you can macro off the counts on your red or you can buy a 'forged pardon' which will drop 1 murder count per pardon used. i don't see any for sale in luna at the moment so you can ask in general chat if anyone has any for sale.

glad to see a returning player!