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[Fishing] Just a Small Idea


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I have been fishing a lot since upgrading to High Seas and have lost many crab traps. (I am from South Louisiana so they are not lobster traps to me. :p ) I was wondering if it could be possible for legendary fishers to have a chance of pulling up a lost trap.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
That's kind of a nifty idea. To expand on it...how about broken traps (like the mib barrels) for deco as well as functional...or if you want to get super fancy, how about trap parts which require 120 fishing and whatever tools they use to repair and rebuild?


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
If those trap parts would completely replace footwear for the legendary fisher I'm all for it!


Stratics Veteran
Hi All, haven't posted here for a long time. Have been playing on Siege lately and totally agree with the pulling up of lost traps. Gold is much more precious on Siege than the prodo shards. A trap costs 414 gold, as you work your fisher up and start getting orders for crabs and lobsters it gets very expensive to complete that skill due to the loss of traps and the fact that you get very few named crabs and lobsters for each 20 or so traps placed. If you leave the traps in the water for a second or third bob you lose even more. By the same token, you have to fill the fish monger's orders in order to have a chance to receive a power scroll so you can even continue to work up your skill. Personally, I would like to be able to have my characters make their own traps using carpenter and/or tinker skills and also to be able to use nets made by my tailor.