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[Discussion] Just a Quick Clarification on [Exceptional]

Assia Penryn

The Sleeping Dragon
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Just would like to make sure I'm right about this.

Both of these runebooks are from the same timeframe in UO. The first one is just one where the crafter chose not to use his maker's mark, right?

Thank you in advance for your help!


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Yes you are correct Assia, both of those are from the same time period. It wouldn't have to be an active choice though, just like any crafting whether GM or not the items mark doesn't always appear on the item.

Athelas [Treasure Trove] Museum, Atlantic


Back then you couldnt choose to not have mark on items it was more random I believe.