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[Discussion] Junk??

UO Relic

Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
Ok going back to the town invasion with the generals (not bane invasion think this was previous years invasion), you could loot their colored metal armor but with all the ways to color armor now adays is any of this considered rare or desirable?

All pieces have just basic resists with no bonuses but I still think some of the colors cant be created presently

Kept quite a few pieces but if its junk then I need the room, but if any of its valuable want to know prior to G-bining


I to have a lot of pieces I collected. What I do is put it on vendors along with weapons to store it. I am hopping 1 day they will just make all armor be able to be imbued up to the max gm or not. what shard do you play on ?

UO Relic

Seasoned Veteran
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I play Baja

And considering how worthless some of the Doom etc artis have become since imbueing I have my vendors already wearing that

So seems like theses are garbage then


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I only kept the red plate. It sells for a decent amount sometimes tho. Dont throw it away someone will want it.

Bon Iver

Rares Fest Host | Atl Sept 2011 & June 2013
Stratics Veteran
I think the most valuable set is the blood red chainmail. Some people try to pass off the charcoal colored plate suit as a coal suit. I admire most of the colors like the bod green and the rusty brown. I have kept a few of these suits also waiting for them to be valuable one day but who knows when that may happen.
