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Josh thinks he is as cool as Elga!


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I said it before and I'll say it again.. your daughter is simply adorable. She must get it from her mom ;)

And in all seriousness, I'm excited for you in this game venture and hope nothing but the best for it.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
She is adorable! That's pretty cool..most definitely as cool as me..lol


Awesome Josh! Now we all know why Huddles is a cute pink mouse, and with Annette's support, I'm sure the game will get extra interest for the adorability factor.

Crazy Fireball

She is so cute!

It made me laugh that she got camra shy :)

I love youtube, tell it her its fun, but be careful!


Heh, thanks everyone, we're all very excited about this project. :) I should also mention Sally B (Susan) has become my right hand on this project and with her help (and my awesome designer) we also launched our web site yesterday: www.arrivalgame.com

And to make my life hell, my hotel's internet is TOTAL CRAP. And I'm using my precious internet time (it only works sporatically) to post here. :)



Slightly off topic but HOLY CRAP I'M TIRED. And it's only the second day of the conference. And I'm supposed to go to 2 or 3 parties tonight so I can schmooze. Man... and there's an early keynote with the president of Nintendo tomorrow so it's not as though I can sleep in.

But really good conference so far. Well, ignoring the fact that I feel like total crap. :)
