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Join the BOINC Atlantic Team.

Lord Raven

Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

I participate in a grid networking computer project called BOINC.

I started the team originally for Ultima Online players on the Atlantic Shard. However, it's been slow going recruiting members there and am considering opening membership to anyone willing to join the team.

I've created a master information link that explains what BOINC is, my facebook and blog pages and descriptions of the projects the team supports.

Even if you don't join the team, if you could "like" the facebook page that would be appreciated.


Lord Raven

Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Facebook has a rule about needing 25 "likes" to get a short URL, I'm pretty close to that goal, but if anyone would like to help me get there I would really appreciate it. Just click here, then click the like button at the top.

You can also read what's going on with the BOINC Atlantic Team. I'm still looking for folks to join and help with volunteer grid networking computer projects.
